cular direfiUon, and on which the fhip would reft if laid on the ground ••
o f I f f ljf fffïlcujjr/yj ■ ^ofe’jp$_spjf ^^crtfgmpjhieh tfr^oppuliti* to the•
heads of the floor-timbqrs amidfhips on-each fide of the keel. Hence,
when a ihip r^ ivM 'a 'M è lt i fe ^W ^ tó & VW f s 'la d tó'be bilged.
BIRTH, the ftation in which a ihip rides at anchor.
Bie th , alfo fignifies the room of'apartment where any particular
nuïné’er oFtlte p’ffiéei’s1 of filii'pV’ccmipah^ tifiuaHyrititfsund'reftde.' -
'BÖXrÏL ‘the ïiné ovefi1!Whitih thé JfiÜp'fuhS'Jbeth'ééö‘l<ack,:aiid tSCKj'
when lire ïs'furning"fo windwafd, ‘of failing ïgainft' thé direction o f the
wincT. - ’ . '' ,
tJBfeW,iThéWunJiifg pSrt‘ of'a' foip’s fide’ fofwaAl; 'beginning :a f -the
place -where the planks iM 'S t iM r S ; ^^®inStoiÖrig_ wKtqre'Bit^iélófe
at the ftem or prow...
BREAKERS, billows th'a'P’ttéak fifolently'didfi rocks lying under the
fuffacé of the Tea. ; ’ , A . .
1 iïo riK iN G -¥Ö ''‘tbtfche^;thelèourfd;6f ;a fihip iHfen'ftedsadvancing/
by iffira]?gihg#iie fails in finch a iftaiihef a*s that they ihali cöiintef-a'dt each
o'therf ’ and 'prevent LeV ettller from' retreating dr inbvmg fbèwafdi In-
this fituation the ihip is laid to lie-by, or lie-to.
'' BULK-HEADS,'' certain! partitions,r or: walls, built -up1 ih' Teveral
places'of a ftup between two'decks, either lengthways or acrofs, to form
and leparate 'the various apartmc*rits.(r
. BU O y , a.foftof,clofe cajk, or filpck of wood, fafte^fi,d>J i l
the anchor, to determine, the place where thc.anchor is iituated. .
C. ", W fM
a hundred and twentyjfathom. .
CAP, a ftrong, thick block of woocf, ufed, to 'confine two mails together,
when the one is erefted at the head o f t}ic; othet, in.prder to
lengthen it. It is for this purpofe fornifhed ,with two holés perpendicular
to it’s length and breadth, and parallel to it? thicknefsj one..of. thefe
is fqnare, and the pther. round y the former being fpjidlyt fixed, upon, the
upper-end of the lower-maft, whilft the latter’ receives ’the’ ipaft; employed
to lengthen,it, and.fecures it in thi? pofitjpn..,
CAPSd'ERN, or C a.psta h, a ftrong, mafly column of timber,
formed., like a, truncated cone, and having its upper exti;em,ity pierced
wjth.a number of holes 'to receive 'the,bar» or levers. It is let down perpendicularly
pendicularly through .the decks of a'fhip, and is fixed, in fuch manner,
that the men, by turning'# horizontarly with Their bars, may perform
any work which requires ah extraordinary effort.
CASTING, the motion of falling, off, fo as to bring tlie'dlre-aion of
tbe wind on either, fide of the fhip after it had blown for foitie time right
CHAINS, ftrong links or plates of iron, the lower ends of which ate
bolted through the-fhip’s fide to.the timbers. They are .placed at fhort
diftances from each other on the flap’s outfide, as being ufed to contain,
the blocks called dead-eyes, by which, the Jhrouds of- the niafts are extended'
CHEEKS of the maft, the faces or projecting parts on eacjf fidfe of the-
mafts, ufed to-fiaftain the feame of the top-, together with The'- top-mail,
which ireft& immediately upon- them.
CLAWING, or Clawing-off, the aa of beatings r turningTo wiakH-
wwcfcftoitta lee-fhoie; fo- as-to- acquire aTuffioient-dift-andei.frpni-.itto-
efcape the dan^ers-of fhipwrbck.. - mi ;
CLEATS,, pieces of wood-of »different fhapds,. ufed- ocsafidnaHy : to-,
faften ropes upon in a fhip.
CLENCH, or Clinch, that partofa-cable, or other rape,. which ig»
fattened to the ring of theanchor.-
To CLEW, or. Club-up, to trufs the fails tip to the ^aiHs by'Scktes-
faftened to.their lower corners,. called their clues.
CLOSE upon a--wind,-as Cu >se-ma cl'ed; the general arrangement
or trim, o f alhip ’s fails, when fiie endeavours to-.make a prbgrefs in »the
neareft direaion-pofiible towards that point o f the eompafs frank which!
the wind blows.
COCKSWAIN, or CbXBW, the'oiffeer!'who 'manS^es andftbers'afbbatj,
and-has tlie command oftHfe boht’i-tfeWi. - '
COMPANION, a» fort off1 wboditn pdrob placed over! the. entrance- ofo
flair-cafe of the mailer’sTabin'in'a‘merchant-ihip;
COURSES,, a-name by which the principalfails of - a .fhip' are ufoaUji?
dlftinguiihed, viz. thfe^toih-faH^’for^-^iJ, attd>iiiizen.
CRANK, the quality of a<lhi$'which foT'vbht'ofi'fufhci^'qaariti^
of b'allqft! or cargo, isrendered incapable of:carrying'fail'A^itliOut being
expofed tQ* the danger of overturning. .