P0RZANA PARYA (Scopoli #.)Ji
T H E ^ L F T T L E -D R A K E S -
. Crex pusillq.'
The first exampfe^of this species* made known in
country was shot near Ashburton, in Devonshire, in/1809,
and was figured and described in Montagu’s SuppeMentio
his Ornithological “DictJohary, under tlmpfameyof - Eittfe
Gallinule. It appears- to be a 'S a le ', but the^flx was nfl
noted. The next" ffpofeimen,- recorded by'Mbnlffjp is^itr.
Foljambe’s bird, obtained^ihfhe shop of- a Lohdon^poifllefer,
in ƒ May, 1812, said fp-haye^beeb beCeived from-'Norfolk :
this is also figured and described' under^hf5 name,:b f the
Olivaceous Gallinule in the Appendix; td-his 4 Supplement,
* Rallus parvus, Scopoli, Ann. i. Hilt. Nat. p. 108 (1769^*
and is considered to be an adult male. * About' the same
time Mr. Plasted, of Chelsëa, obtained a similar1 bird, shot
on the banks of the Thames near that place, and which, after
passing into the-possession of Mk Leadbeater, was transferred
to the collection of the late Mr.-Lombe, who resided
near Norwich.' The next record,'attributed in former Editions
to* this species, -namely, that by Mr. W. Fothergill, in Tr.
Linn. S’oc. xiv. p., 588,'and i-À Whitaker’s Richmondshrfel'i.
p. 416 (1823), is cenèidferêd 'by Mr. W. E. Clarke (Hbk. of
Yorkshire Yertebraét, p. 641?torapply-in all probability to
B â illo n ’s Drake. In March," 1-826, a female óf this species
was caught at' Barnwell, near 'Cambridge, which was m the
collection-of Dr.-ThackerayV'-the WÊÊÊÊÊÊË?
and the figure -of :the: bird in the front of the illustration
here Jiven; aS" also-thedéscfipRon, ivere taken from this bird,
which was-moSt kindly lent id-föi^my^ie in thin work.
In the Magazine of Natural History for-,the year 1829-,
page 27d, it is mentioned that Mr. James Hall eaught a
specimen of -the Olivaceous- G-alHn4le -aliveyin1' a drain-uA
Ardwick méadows, near-MàAchîêefe^in the-autumn of 1807.
In the same work, bffit for?tke year 1834;j>agel53ythe late
Mr. Hoy hae reeofdet-' that; a Little* Gallinule was* shot-near
Yarmouth. Mr. W! 'Börrer^Sèbf me notice that a Little '
Crake waS’tafken alive on-the banks of the;AdhT-,%t Seeding
chalk-pit, near Shoretam, in Dçiféofér,- IB'gj ^atód Mr: W.
iWilliamson re©Órdëd- (P. Z. Sv -1 8 3 6 ^ . that an
Cllfeous Gallinule had-been killed near Scarborough.- '
-tits êéeurréköe-has also been -reoofdedjat’ Seafórd'm March,
1848 (Zool. p. 2T48)? near Hastöng^rfn-April-, 1859<ZoöL
p. 6527) fmear Pevehsey, in March, 1862*’ (ZooL p.#330)J;
inrSónfèrsetshi^ ih ^Oeto b e f^W)f^b ^^-0*- : ^
• Cornwall (Zool. 1878j p. 214) near -FÓrdinbridge in Hampshire'’;
bnTSanibridïgesbire^^ f9118) f ; in Yorkshire on
three %eèa'sipn*s^(W. E. Clarke,-Yorkshire Yerteb. p. )»
and in Oxfordshire, by ^'essy|i.^Aplin^(B:bf Banburÿ, p. 22).
I This sulsèquently-provedr’to'Vé EaiU^VOrako cf:%ôo\: & fi.
f The Bternum-ioPlîSB- indtactaâl' was described in the a«Ve vol»me,
pp.-9?8;5-9289Î-bV Mr. W' W. -Boulton.