migration than was formerly supposed, when .the1 bird was
recognized by few; but it is not until the shores of; Kent
and Sussex are reached that the species is to be found
breeding? even’iii‘moderate numbers. The shingle between
Rye Harbour and Dungeiiess was once a favoured locality,
but sad havoc has been made there by collectors: “In Devonshire,
as Mr. Gatcombe informs the Editor," two were killed
at Plymouth breakwater in May some years ago, and 'another
was shot in-, autumn in the Hamoaze \ and fh Cornwall,
Mr, Rodd aply' reeords two| occurrences in'‘the month 'of
April, and one in August, In the Channel islands it; is
not uncommon, especially-on Guernsey, and the neighbouring
islets. * In Ireland rfcds of" ve% rare occurrence^
With the exception of a reeeUt'^occurrence in Norway,
recorded by Mr, Collett* the Kentish' Plover has^not-<«been
found' beyond' the- southern districts of Sweden, nor is
it at all common on* the Baltic-coast of .'Germany, but
westwards it is fairly distribute# from jj Denmark to /the
extremities of France. On the coast‘ of the Spanish Peninsula
and for a short distance inland, it is -abundant, and
although somewhat irregularly-distributed, it is found breeding
throughout the1'islands and northern?-shores. ofNhe
Mediterranean. In the -Htaterior• of the CeiMwent.? it is
almost' unknown, for. of'the f three/ species^this. is by far the
most partial to salt water.' ' On - the- shores of the Black
Sea, it is very numerous, except in winter^apd "-in ;|Asia
Minor it appears to' he' resident; in fact/itsrlinp qf.Je^i-
dencf'‘reaches 1 along ^ h e coast ‘ of- North Afriga / to .ffie
Canaries, Madeira and ther Azores.* ^Spme individuals gcpas
far south as Damaraland, and even to 'Cspe.Cglony-,^ From
Turkestan, Where ^ it- breed^&t-Jia considerable, -altitude;
can be -traced fp the -salt lakes- of Dauri.a and Mongolia,
and to the coasts of China and Japan f; and/ it/is, found
afonghthe epasts and on Tthe largergiyprs.-of India down-, to
Ceylon, where/thp' resident/race -becomes^somewhat, small.
^Tje^se^,’ gg. P.^ti
t In Sofethem* China and the Malay ^Archipelago there,- is' %, eloseJyjallied
resident "peronii :'(Temm.*‘), and JE. dedlbaia, 'YSmnho.e^Y d^hingnislied
hy its yellow tarsi and yellow base to the'bill.'
In Burmah it is abundant in winter?; it has occurred in
the island of Mindanao ; and'liesSrs. Finsch and Hartlauh
record it? frorm.the^Pelew Islands. In America - this widely
ranging'bird is replaced - hy .a closely-allied species, M .
^ sa/whiehdn? breeding,plumagerhas the lores .white, and
HOfehlick, . ? ■■*■ t ‘ |
‘-,Thb habits and food of this little Hover resemble those
of i the Barbed, Plover. The female makes little nr no nest |
but lays her? eggsdn -a small/hollow in the sand, ,or amongst
fine shingle ;and broken? -shells. Mr, B. H. Mitfor# who
haa/examined *a considerable^number of clutches, writesi-tc
the Editor--that he never found them to -eohsist ? :-bf ‘-more
than /three, even when the'- eggs, were meubated-; . and‘ the
Editor’experience of the ^average is similar.;-; stiH/he has,
found four, both? in Spain and in" |$g Channel Islands.
In a ^clutch of four mentioned"' by Mr. Cedk Smith, the ^ggS)
werernearly upright in* thelsand, Jhe.small ,end being buried,,
and the- thick :sehd. J u s t - s h e w i n g • W '
arefof a rather rough texture; of avyel6wish-4&±m^pl°1?ir»
spotted; and- scrawled with hlack and measure g g by *9 WM
Mr;dDsembrain3(ZoelJ l-SBO/p. S M M i oCcasi
theyf?arPH-dle.posite.d.-on a?heap of sea,-weed thrown up-hy a,
very high fide. If put off thehegglf the bird-wall retire tbc
A'short' distance, and utter .a,. plaintive whistfe* run a, tem
yards, A m then drop and run again, ; ,As ^pn,
-however, as- tbsenyoung; are hatched^its .manner changes
will then fly closely round, ^epmpanymg each stroke g |
-wings by a sharp whistle, then drop suddenly, apd
-cower, H I expanded wings and tail. Each pair appears
■ S eq u en t a limited area, and when disturb^, *,fly but a
Sfort distance/filching quicldfiptheir parting point.
The adult male in. summer, has. the,beak;|hplly black;
thedrides. hrewn; the forehead white, the .same colour being-
vhontinued* overffeg/eye and a lit||e^beyond it over e ear
!coyerts; above the White on the' forehead' M a patch o f
■Mack, whioh 'eA a ifo f ilf tb « S 'tfgs.W 1fre 1°
ii>-f«e-li4: top of the fce a f th? »ddish-
Brnmn • f r om the base BUB beak*fb the eye'a black streak,