and a half in length, has very much the appearance of two
thin flat pièces of whalebone coming to a point and curving
upwards; the hides reddish-brown ; ;top of thè head, occiput,
nape, and back of the neck, black ; interscapulàrs and
upper part of the back, white ; scapulars, lesser wing-ebverts,
and the wing-primaries, black ; all the other parts of the
plumage pure white; legs and foes- pale blue.
The whole length is nearly eighteen ihohesv» From " *the
carpal joint to the end of the wing, eight inches end a half;
the first quill-feather the longest in the wing.
In young birds ofthe^ year the \ dark-cololired parts of the
plumage are tinged with brown;-the scapulars edged ^fith
reddish-brown, and the tail-feathers are brownish. During
the second year, tSI the-autumn moult, some of the elongated
dark feathers are still reddish-broWn at the
The young in down are of a greyish-white, ■ variegated with
brownish*grey on the crown, back .and sidésy an-irregular
line of blackish spots dowfi the middle of the rump,-and a
well-defined blackish line on each side -ifrëra the wirigs- to
the rump terminating in a bjaek tuft; the-f®l#^blaclr/-âhd
distinctly eurved ; a black streak*'loading-,from-tioi^base to
the eye; and beyond it ; legs and toes'grefenish-blue. ‘
ci^piDUB, Bonnaterre*. .
Mimahfdjxtbg melMwffierus. /
recurved at the tip, cylindrical,’
flattened dt the base, c om p f e s ie f^ ^ e -^oint^btfth mandibles grooved
ojjjthe sidfcs 'alongWfeasal halfc o^their. Ijfcgtl»/ .N o fitrils -'l» ^ .H»ar^5IS^
g^ted. ' Legs.vfry-longfand^ende^Jthxee toes in^ren^,.th^middle tp
$he outer toe by, a-membrane of considerable size^and to H s B B H f?f*> 1$ a
m ^ ftL ne!of'smai§r‘w :; cla^s or n a i l e r y small, flat.- ^ ?sVerylori^J|ie-
first* quill- feather- considerably tbe "longe&t in tbefwi|^l **
The ' ^ s "first recorded as a visitor
lo; these by'SirRobert Bibbald-4 who describes and
* Tableau 'Encyelopld.' et Method.:, i. p. 2 f (f?9,0). '
J J j j ,Sco,tia Illustraia,4I^ p ,^ p te ? .S x |e %• V-and xiii. fife 2 (1684}.
VOL. Til? R R