crease necessitating an amount of research, and the careful
sifting of a mass of information, unknown to- the original
Author. The advantages undoubtedly counterbalance thé
drawbacks, but it must, be confessed that the latter are considerable.
It is not within my province to consider the advisability
of publishing pndef tb,e honoured n|Dqef ofCYarrell a work
which must necessaril'y'be,. to à great*extent, rewritten-; but
my portion of the task, onpe accepted, has been ' performed
to the best of my ability. "Where practicable, ‘the original
phraseplogv.has been fgllpwed^-with due--modifications the
opening" words of the sentences have frequently preserved,
as ‘ landmarks ’ for possessors pf former Editions ;
and extracts from "tjae-authors and correspondents quoted by
Yarrell have,heen retained, suHect-to considerations of space,
relevancy, and accuracy. This work ofIsplec^oh'and Adaptation
has entailed seKr^labouf, and, as a matter of' factftne
original articles on the species ad de ditëï*thê’'Britistfîîi s t since’
the’publication of Third Edition, are ' those whicFh&ve
given the least tföufde. 3
The niApy completed^ works'on orhShiolbg^ df’ which I
haVe availed myself; fcry mentioned from timh^td3 t£m#lri
thése^oîümes^^nd^if^thh’hhumérationisrë-commênced’/ f t
will* ffi^difffèult * to' say wHeré^^p^stîqî-' I claM, howévél~
acknowledge'moist“ of'?B£enfT^p<Mhctwmy by'Te^rdssi^>:Öiy
bbligationsi^d thaif^r(£enainèn^^^ H. 'E~!
Er‘esser*f*f Birds orEuropef* a Jkyprk vfficTÏ1 lias'^mateiiM-lfy
lightened'my'ÿlab^is^dAgâih^M^. J.* *^pHarting-lkihdl^
placed*’ a töSw"*disp^sSr t'he^âhnnî^e#-copy’“ öjfrhis''' u Seful
‘ Handbook'of British Birff^Uwi th- se ver al Volumes V)f Vêles
and^fextraets fJ and- oh àll sidesd^sistance' has 'bctir‘"‘freely
proffered. The coiü^étó'c© or t^ ^W k %itMÏP tffe appointed
time is largelylfewing tp*thd^pfdpefatid'h h f ‘numh^dlS friends
and correspondents who^sehvmotéè, rare bVoks/Vhd "specimens,
looked oVHPpróofs, and answered’ questiohs!ÿ^bhft’^.1
times^hy^mlegrajffi); with uthë£{îuïmds#cëlfeétïuî^lls^^nd’
pboï&ptitudë.’ My t‘HÜnksIrn^especiâfty dut-'ip^hijoi’ If. Wî
Feilo^n,fMeksrs. EVBidwëlf, E ^ 'B p n d—thô-îflstUi*8^ B r itis b i
ornithology,—John -Gordteaux, John Gatcombe, -J;- H.
Gurney, jun., J; A. Harvie-Brown, Hr §eebohm,‘ and Cecil
Smith; also to Lieut.-Col. E, A. Butler, Messrs. ;T.:,E.
Buckley, A. Chapman, w P IS |le Clmke, T.^uckworth,
E. Hargitt, FrSV'Mrfechelly A. G. More, T. lb kelson, J.^Q..
Mahsel-Fieydelh ^ieur-y ^Stevenson, R. Jd Ussher, Robert
Warren, Johh'Youhg, and others too numerous formentiOn.'
' The - changes made in the-r -systematic -.arrangement are
believed1 do’ be’ the ‘fewes^^onsistent with the present state*
of Wur knowledge. " It was obviously impossiblewthatbthe'*
Herons &c,"should cWtinueVo split the -Order rfcimiedltz'hy
occupying1' their tjfermer' ^plaCe midway ^between -thel Plovers
and the1 -Ghrlews. 1 It'5-was- equally clear-that, according-to
modern5views, (Tcrr-srand Gulls) must -follow
thW" indecd^ they- are so -closely related
that it is doubtful whether-they should not %e* comprisednm
thV-same Order. 'Opinions4L^¥ being-unanimous4u|dmlhe..
relative'f:pdsitions1' of the Petrelspthe 'Auks, the Diverk^and
the -^Gi^heS^J^have^^hordinafed my-own-views-; Vo 'the
previous" arrAngeineht. ®&he;”HexonS' (TleroUtoWSsy > and the-.
Cormorants " had,! of course,Jfco be allocated
in a *pfoximll§™theS' scSerdb^of which had«-' already been disarranged
by the commencement the work' with! the
Accipitres. -Under these'exceptional circumstances 'the last
Order is Veees s#ily tlat^J^thqr'-JjTOsere^/ nor i§?lt -altogether
undesirable that' ll should bcV^Pinasmuch* as ln*tneKol3sifiea-'
mmJ of - erhum~ the5" normal' members :of that-^group
show^iome- rlsemblanee^ro t h e ' 5a" sub VlasswhiVhiis
generally1,jMfhough'm^f Universally^ allowedt#be 4©wer than -
the --
‘ ^Assuming that, a-cebr€15^ ?to5fHe^oil>g%al scheme-of-the
work, a species*1 is alldwed-^ have aVl&im t’o be’Considered
*British * .wbela^a!sing^^authentilSted: example-is ployed' to
have been obtained* iir our Mauds withouk suspicion; of arti:
ficial introduction,' it w-ould sehnrthat the followin'g^-species
which have' no|fbje,eh^fi@ufed:^oW^escribedd-hr,detail, hav#
some right "t651He enumerated in # 0 ' 'Briti&b5;l'f&trj^but certain