Dotterell (Charadrius morinellus} ;■ and passed immediately
afterwards into the possession of Mr. Baker, of Melbourne,
by whom the skin was preserved, and of whom it was purchased
for the Author by. Mr. John Sims. A few years
afterwards, the latter, who had then removed to Norwich,
obtained a second example of this, species, killed at' Sherring-
ham, on the coast of Norfolk, and preserved it for the Museum
at Norwich, where it still exists : the entry in the' donation-
book being that it was killed on the 29th July, 1832, and
presented by Mr. Arthur Upcher.'4 Since that lime" three
specimens have been obtained in Norfolk—one shot f t
Yarmouth- inrthe autumn of 1839 ©r 1840, which came into
the possession of the late Mr. Hey sham, oh-Garlisle * |l|>ife
killed in the same locality^'on, the 22nd September, 1841
(Zool; p. 182);. and one obtained oh’; the mud' flats---of
Breydon, Septetnber%Oth, 1843' (-Zoet^p^SS^^jme^w© Stler
being in the collection of 'MW jT? H. Gurney’^Stevenson. B.
Norfolk, ii. p.I35i9')v ’
For the knowledge, of. another gp^dmen, the Author was
indebted!© the Rev. T. Staniforth,~of Bolton Recfd^ Skipton,
in whose eduction the bird is-preserved, and who .Vent Sword
that his example, whiCmwas a*mM&f w-ak killed a,t Foripby,
on the banks of* the river Alt, about .thirteen miles^A&tth nf
Liverpool, in May, 1829,, and yaa^ smralpi"'^iverpo'pl market
for sale along with some- inipes; - -Mr. Mu Bond hag'•recorded
(Zool.-p. ldS^hw odeurrenc© of • iSne U p o n S u g s* e lr‘i#akt
in 1843 f itVasimuchdujnrcdfjfeny^presorved’, and ef^mu-
ally had' tome thrown away-j but Mr; Bind^kept thekChjTrac-
tetistic Wings.'
I n t e r n wall' threh- examples« recorded 'bygAfee
late^MixJEtpddTlT^^^h^'Pu the sands-near MarazioU wMJfit
flying-in company with Dunlins -and- Ring?- Plovdfs;. oi»*fr]|e
3rd -September,;’1846 j.^one obtained at A pool nn.fldmeMgk
moorland -n’eaf Chun ’C&iStle,(rMQr:vah,, *on the ,^8fch^;eptd#i.bpr,
1860 ; and one' a-t' St.- Bryher’s, one;of; the Reilly Islands^in
* Mr. F. Bond’ihftfrms the Editor that he cannot find un mention of that
specimen in the,. Catalogue of|; f e tsa-je oh.frhe late. Mr. -Hejgh-am’s cojlection ’on
tine 11th May, 1^9B
September, 1870 (Bi Cornwall, p. 100). Mr. D’Urban states
(Guide to Exeter, p. 122)4hat one was killed on the Exe:in
August, 18.51; anddmthe autumn of, lSSSnone was shot by
Mr. Spencer.Heaven at Lundy Island, in the Bristol Channel,
and passed into the collection*of Dr-. Woodforde of Taunton.
In Ireland, as recorded'by Mr. E. M‘Coy'(Ann. Nat. Hist,
xv; p. 271), a specimen' was' * obtained - near Dublin,, and- is
now in the.-Natural History Museum o f-th a tic i^ and iW®-
were ^obtained at Belfast .in .October, 1864 (Zool. 1866,
p. i457h.-/ As; regards Scotland, Mr. R. Gray says i(Bv, .of
Wl##mt.ftp.i319) that a specimen obtained in-Caithness tis
still fo^tiae -collection which belonged to the late Mr.- Sinclair
of" Wick.
■. According^to (Yieillok, .and Degland; anè;.Gerbe,-; a bird of
tie -year- killed- near Abbeville-in Bicardy was in the ,collection
J,.; dm Lamotte- [but MM. Marmottan and Yian,
in-their- recent catalogue-'of rare birds (Bull; SöcnZool. Fr.
i.ih9fi-Pfei24S), .make t po, mention ‘of it. S in .the collection
of4Mi-. GatkefUf I HeHgeladd,ithere:is, however, an example
killed % on thakisltafÜ onithe 9 th May p 18471;. and this seems
fet'be the only- authenticated occurrence' in Europe -beyond
the. British Islands; .
The -Ruff-breasted. Sandpiper^ -summer-hauulp are in the
Arctic 'ppr.tio.nS -fof- th e ‘American ^Continent.'. Specimens
fiesented Jby Dr.-,e., im the British • Museum, tobiained
attRëpulse Bay;, and* at Port Simpson, on th e 14th of June.3
and it'^ee.fe."abundantly^i^?ti^>Affler£bnifRpiet district
add;|d;o.6g the; Arctic. ..coast; w h e r® M a c F a r l a n e obtained I t has been» obtained in June^ut Poiét .Barrow,
Alaska, but* ?beiowiNejat©f,'; 0n itbps^nkon;1acc®rdingr- M r.
Dallfil-is -rar^sandvitsh-as been obtained hi .Sitka;
A4;Sti’iMichae']s’s, Alaska,.' Mfc E . Ws -Nelaerrudnly obtained
twb -in* th e ' c’ojpj soelf0fouryears, but -henfound it quite common
atiCape., "W^ukarem,: on i i e a r l y in August
1881|3(€juise o fv tbeM oïwin’9pt. 90,).* -Nnttall'sayfe(Mam
^ i'M id Jw d o itf (Sib Reisiv a JIlLrecopl-j °n® st ot 0£')!f® . ^ ® °n
tfilrSea (^Okhotsk, but Mr. Harting thiuks that'this W e t haWheen Thnga
‘ y^§^minatat which,Has a buff '.bie^siiin summers'. E