tertials, ask-brown edged with buff; wing-primaries ash-
grey, the first With a bread white shaft; tail-feathers greyish-
bfdwn; those in the' middle tipped with , dull white, the
three outside feathers with broad ends of pure white; the
chin and sides of .the. neck white; the front and sides of the
neck below ash-grey ; from shoulder to Shoulder, across the
breast, is a band of white, margined above, and below with a
dark line ; breast rich fawn colour, passing to chestnut; belly
black; vent and under tail-coverts white, tinged with buff;
under wing-coverts and axillary plume g-r%ish-white; legs
ahd toes':greemsh-:clay colour; the claws black; :::Wdllughby
has remarked* and subsequent-,observers*have confirmed his
statement;' that: .the females ' are larger and 'more brightly
coloured than .the1 males. In'younger; birds the top of the
head, neck, and mantle are streaked and mottled; with buff.
(The whole .length is - nine Inches ;and a half, prom the
earpal . joint to the end of ih e wing/six inches ;\the wing
in fbrm; .pointed ;;- the first qull-fiather the longest'; ;the
average weight about .four ounces : but the Author has seen
one example that weighed six ounces and a half, -
/Mafo ;Hey sham’s;:description of :rav young female,three
weeks or a month Old, killed on Robinson July .25th, 1&85,
is as,.follows forehead, throat, and -sides :of the face,
cream-yellow, covered; with small /spots and finei streaks of
greyish-biown. Crown .of the head; occiput, and also the
feathers on the hack, dark .brown, all jmorel drl-tess*M©adly
edged With buffrorange. Scapulars and wing-coverts olive-
green, deeply.edged;w-ith ,reddish-white ;cftalkthe same; finely
margined with white, the centre feathers- broadly tipped with
reddish?white, and the.three lateral;pnes on. each side. ending
jn a.largeoffibesgular whitish spot. . Sides, of the-neck,■ flanks,
and a broad band above each, eye; buff:Qrange,dfeV'former
fihely streaked, with ;./greyish-biro wn. M Breast' .cinereous,
slightly tinged, with-re^dish-white*jjtnd ;n^iirMd|^i?^iehi
with dar^e /spots ;of olive-green. .Belly wlui^,’.finely spotted
here and' there with greyish-brownjjj Bill blacki ’r.Irijtes
dark brdwu. Legs pale olive-green:;; solesbright yellow.”
. . Charadrius hictitittylfyi*.'
S sialitis, ^o£K— tlie tea;'b rattcr^slendCT, ^raigh|
to’’the end' 'of1 the nasal furrow,'which 'extends beyondthemidaie/of' t i e bill,
then slightly raise&f h u tb en t downwards at '-the tip ; nostrils small, and linear.
Legs moderately. Long,’slender, bare .for., a shorUisUnqe.^bqve-tJfe tarsal jpin{;f:,
tarsi reticulated. .Toes tj>ree only'jSjIghtly webbe^at.the base. Tail broad,
shghiiy robifded. ’' Wings Wnf, ~ p f*W f% e %¥sf qm lf'th ^ l® )g ^® the inner
secondaries attaining the' tip' o i thetthird primary.
Tfiis pre^tily-marke'd' Pl^vlr ‘is found thibUgh^ut the
ye^Qfi most of ;the W 5 r || of the BiMjt Islands, but more
particularly frequent^ hays" and flats along the coast’ Where
* ^mkidrlusMiai^yalef, LArinfeus; %St'.‘ Nat/E<f: 12, i-.-p. 253
t Isis, 18|f2,'r pp.i-W8?ahd' 55$. H
. VOL.. I II.