East Riding, in 1828 (W. E. Clarke, Hbk. Yorkshire
Vertebrates, p. 70). -
f A sixth example, recorded by Mr. George T.. Fox, of Durham
(Zoological Journal, iii. p. 492), was shot on the 15th
of October, 1827, under Timberwood.Hill, in Charnwood
Forest, Leicestershire, by a tenant of Mr. T- Gisborne, of
Charley Mill, near that place, and became.the property of
the Rev. T. Gisborne, of Yoxall Lodge, Staffordshire, to
whose ornithological taste his son knew the possession, of it
would be a subject of congratulation. He liberally furnished
the use of it to Mr. Selby and Mr. Bewick, for .the purpose |f
engraving figures of it for their works on British Ornithology,
and the representation of this Cream-coloured Courser was
the last bird engraved by the latter.*
Another example, is recorded by Mr-. E. Acton (Mag. Nat.
Hist; iv. p. 168) as shot at Friston, near Aldborough, in
Suffolk, on the 3rd of October, 1828, and' this specimen is
believed by Dr. Bree to be the one preserved in the late Mr.
J. D. Hoy’s collection at Boyle’s Court, near Brentwood, .ajs/it
is labelled “ killed in 1828.”' Mr. Cordeaux informs the
Editor that the collection of the late? 'iRev.JL Mossop, of
Covenham, contained one whieh had been captured in an
exhausted state near Marsh Chapel,^ on the coast* of
Lincolnshire, about 1840. /, In.Abe??' Proceedings of .the
Berwickshire Naturalists’* Club for 1847,’ it is recorded that
a young male was shot near Cheswick, in Northumberland,
on the 9th November, 1846, during a strong gale-from the
south, being chased by Gulls,’ and this, is preserved in M l*.
Brodrick’s collection. The evidence of competent observers
led Mr.. Stevenson, (B. of Norfolk, :ii. p. 49).. to ,’beMeve
that an example of the Cream-coloured-Courser was seen
near Blakeney in the autumn of 1847, and another near
Westacre, at the sameuseason,4n the year 1855 or 1856.
An adult specimen of.this -bird was shots by-Mr. Walter
Langton, on East Down, Salisbury.~Flain;*^t the 2nd §j|
October, 1855'. Mr. Langton was folio wing a wild covey
* A coloured figure o t i t i s specimen is given in the Appendix* to Potter’s
History of Charnwood Forest (3.842).*;,
of Partridges whieh -had settled on the open downs, when
his pointers stood at this bird ;; it got up, flew about a hun-
dred yards,'and pitched; again; he;keptit in sight, and shot
it on-the ground: The bird was sent for preservation^© the
late Mr. Gardner^©! Oxford StreetV who gave the Author-fhe
body, when skinned, fdr^ examination)^ It was a male, the
stomach^.membranaceous,' the ‘contents a dozen skins :rof
caterpillars, apparently^ the Garden White Butterfly, one
wireworm, on© : Small-shelled; snail, H e lix '’ericit'orum, ' and
many fragments of the hard portions of small beetles». "Its
breast-bone is now figured. jS
Mr,-J.-C. Mansell-Pleydell states*: (%.' of Dorset, p. 25)
that, '?^-in - the year T858, the pre'sent Lord Digby, while
following the bounds), observed, with the practised eyg^.of^'a
sportsman, a strange 'bird on Batcombe Hill.' The^late Earl
of llehester next day sent his keeper? Walton^still'living^1'
in' search, of itjiwho- killed- bird* proved to be- the
Cream-cqioured Courser, and is' in the” p'ossessibn of the t
present Earl.”
In October ,-,:i8'56, two were’seen" on -Braunton Burrows^ an
North.'Devon, and' one was shot *(Zoor."p.) 5346)^ and tw’o
aresre'corded by Mr.- Gervase F.-Mathew as having been'seen,
in the same * place in March, 1860 -(ZoolT p r 6980)P In
1858jtiSon-ftie 19th ^October,' a female 'was obtained in#
Hackney Marshes, Middlesex -(Z'nbf. p. 6309)., Mr» F„ S.
Mitchell, of Clitheroe, writes)^ the Editor that he has>
examined a* .Courser which was shot in-the autumn- of 1860,
among a flo'ck“of dPeewi'ts, neap St:’MiehU'eIs*an-Wyse, Lancashire.
-©ctohef/ 1864^ an example, ' recorded and
acquired-by^he Jate Mr. Allisj-of York, was killed at Allohby,
near Maryport, in? Cumberland p* 9418) ^and early
nr the same, month pf the"yeaf^l866"one appears to ha^p
been^Hbhnear-Sandwich in+1E?etft (Zo'ol. s.i. p. 523):* ■ On
the 8th. Octobef-f1868,da male -was:shot'by-Mr. -Charles
* -With reference, to t^at county, - it, be mentioned -that Mr. J. E. Harti$gj
has furnished the Editor with Jihe -following note ‘-October 20th, 18_68; , Saw
to-’daf ^specimen'from the stale' of the Margate Museum, said' t’ofh&ve ^oeep.
obtained at Westbrook, near Margate, NoVedifer‘1849.”