blackj legs, spurs, toes, and claws, brownish-lead colour;
the spurs become pointed and sharp after thé-first year.
The whole length of a male Pheasant is about three'felt/
depending upon the age of-the bird; and the consequent*
length of the1 two -middle feathers of the tail, which frequently'measure
two feet. Wing -from -the carpal- jointÉo*
the end, nearly ten inches; the wing in form l'ouUdM^fthe
fifth quill-feather th% longest.
The female measures about two feet. The general e%our
of the plumage pale yellowish-brown; varied by"different
shades of darker brown ;-’sides: 'of.-the "neckHi-nged with red
and green. Females assuming the plumage of males may
be known by the absence 'of brilliancy of tint, and, the^Hen
red feathers on ^e.,breast generally want'the contrast of1 the
broad dark velvet-like margin. 'IThes legs5 and* fe'et!retain
their smaller and more-slender female character; and ate
usually without'spurs ; but Mr. Bond has an example with
a spur on one:|eg‘.
Young • birds;Sf both sexes, in their firsts plumage, resemble
the' females.
White and-Pied,varieties of Éjgg P|Leasant areafipt uncommon
; but for furthen/details, as \yej|gas- for- instructions as
to the management o f'P h e a s a n ts ' bo th ' in ; th e ' covertpnd
the aviary,:ahd^#he^disorders;ft) which they are liableytlie
reader is referred to Mr. TegetMeier’s' excÉlëUtfWprk already
q a l l inm . PHASIANIDjE.
P b r d i x c i n e r e a ; Latham.* -
oine^eaii^ ‘
Perdix, B r i s s o n ^ .—Bill 'shorl/*’strong, naked at the base ; upper mandible
convex,' deflected towards tbe f ii|ip Nostrils basal,Ulate&l, the 'orifice partly
concealed by an }arobed' naked stale. ■ V?ings> short,^concave, founded in form ;
the first three feathers shorter thah the fourth or-fifth, which are the longest ini
the wing." Tail,'of’eighteen feather|,. ^oprt, ro u te d . Feet, with three toes in
front, and oife 'behind, those ’ iff' front' united by a- membrane as far as the’
first iartieulaiiion. -
‘.’The enlarged.demands of an increasing population,tempting
prices in'seasons of-scarcity; or the'/progress of science
* Ind/Orm/n./p. &0J. ex. Brissen).
v o l . h i . ' p ;