diatdly above the eye, and between it and the bill, (with the
exception of the narrow line of greyish-black closely, encircling
the front and lower part of the eye,) upper part of the
throat, and sides of the;neck, are white; crown, nape, arid
back of. the neck, blackish-grey; back, scapulars, greater
and lesser wing-coverts, blackish-grey,- tinged with yellowish-
brown, the extremity of:every feather-yarymg from greyish-
white to white, as it approaches the ta il; under part qfi the
throat, and upper part, of the breast, pale ash-colouri;- fewer
breast and all the under plumage, white:; shafts of the .first
six primaries brownish-black at base, becoming .gradually
darker towards the"extreihity, where they are black in: the
fifst three, .but in : the fourth, fifth, and sixth assimilate gn
0010® to the featherxat that part; which:is.,white'<j the entire
of the outer webf>of the first five black; .the ihnei%webs.with
a broad edging of white, 4o‘withih from^Qn'e to. two inches (of
the end, which parti is black in/the-sfirst^,three, .’but tipped
with white in the fourth and fifth; in theig|xt2s the*inner
web i s wjnte. the, outer bIg,ek,.fxc^p|ing^ior three |oa?*%o.ur
.life,s,from the tip, where it- is,.white-, .a^d again at about an
inch frorn the end where a-white "spot of an. oval foi-m^appears.
Feathers of the tail white; with bla-ck- tips,.”
• 'The-representation below is that', ,ef~ a jgyung bird in the
plumage of-its first autumn.
. - Bhodqstethia - rosea, Macgillivrgiy. *
I E$ r$sr lio$ s HI' 1
£ :Rhodostethia, rather slender;! tb&uipper mandible
dê.curved towards, th§,hijXj the ?lp^er mandible, Tjti.th rthe intercrural space narrow,
•the knob slight, the dorsal line concave, and thejtip narrow. 'Wings long, pointed,
the;first quill-feathertTie longest, Tail puneate, the central feathers'much longer
than the lateral ones'; .legs rather short, the/itjhia :bare- for a short, distance;
tarsus anteriorly seutelbcte, rough posteriorly j h|nd,,toe ryery d^tyjpt,_with a large
curved claw ; thef three anterior toes entirely.webbed :j.&lawa rather l^rge, arid
«/For.-the statement of, thé occurrence. óf - this; very rare.
^gail!- in Yorkshire, and its- consequent admission in a
History of'Hritiighi,Birds, wjsf are lindeb.ted sfco Mr ^Charles-,
worth, who statesi-(d^^^orks,,-Phil.:,Sc¥5; i. p? 33, 1847) that
>' -* ',ZarusimKeW-i Macgilli-vray, Mem. Wern.^gpe^y. i.i.p; 2.49 ~ : ;|e-
Bcripjtiog. of one^of the two specimens obtained onjMelvillè Peninsula,.
Wm- -Manual of British O rn ith ö J :p g 4 ;.-^ ^ |^ ^ |i^ ^ ï^ jv^ |