bird remains all the year. From the Author’s statement in
former Editions, it would appear that in the early part of
the present century this species used to nest in the marshes
about the estuary of that river; but it has long ceaseddo
do so. At the present day"a few scattered pairs breed on
the cliffs of - Dorsetshire ; and, in decreasing numbers, on
Lundy Island, but the Steep Holmes, higher up in the
Bristol Channel, mentioned in former- Editions, have certainly
been abandoned for at least forty years. Some nest
on the coast of Cornwall, and in Scilly ; - and ôh” the rocky
coast of Walesthere are several breeding-;places ; a colony
also inhabits an islet in a small elevated ïÿllÿn in: the
Snowdon district.- On the east coast of England na-breed*
ing-place is known-to exist; but thh^ola^birds-,■ generally §»h
pairs, and the young, are found in considerable.'1 .-numbers
horn July to the following ' spring, when- the former-rëtire
northwards to breed*
In Scotland the Créât Black-backed Cull is far ni|pe
abundant, especially summer, op the deeply indented
coasts and islands,-of the porth and7 y®st|^ A> feware-said
^ breed on Ailsa Craig in the’Firth of Clyde.; and Mr. R.
Cray says that twelyp or-fourteen pairs annually take up
their quarters-on the-island o.f. Inchmoin,in Loch. Lomond.
Other breeding-places are-* scattered,.along;-the,, "coast of the
mainland and on fÊrë inland lochsl^P td^putherlandshiHS,
where, however, 4he-sp.epies^is||mt very|;^, but in the
Hebrides there are*,many, both;ioSheTsplafted ‘ stacks’ and
on the small grass-covered, i|Jefs"of the, %sh-r and saltwater
locks. In Orkneys it.s riestipg-haunts are comparatively
few ; but there are a considerable number in- the
Shetlands, ' one pf the. moahxintere^tjng /bJ^ngtoh’1 the flat
top Qh- Ihh-t sfagb ’ knp\yvn .as the Jlolm of ; tp whi^h
access was fp^me^’ly obtained by means pf' a lVr^dle^|uhg "on
two parallel ropes.
In Ireland thishpfeéïès is fdund'npM the'Coast' throughout^
the yefar, and, accordin^p'to Thompson, it is much more
abundant in Belfast Lough thaha't1itirt'Lessèr Blhck-backed
Cull. Its breeding-places ,aia3 Jscjdtered/* along the rocky’
coast, but no considerable colonies such as those of Scotland
are known.
: In the" Faeroes, 'Major Féilden obsërved : the-'Great Black-
bacfeed Cull breeding'in isolated"-pairs ; and flu Icelandol5 is:
generally distributed, especially itf thé' south-west ; nesting*
on the'coast- and also oil’the fresh-water lakes. It breeds in
Norway and Sweden T-ff ^considerable numbers, as well-as 'on
the shores fofrthe North Bea ; and, sparinglyj near 'Archangel,
ranging asTar bàSt as the Fetehbra; but,'with the lex’cep®n-
of"the nórth-wèst''of- Franèë', no" otber^Gdcalitïës' are known
tosbe!'rësôr‘ted to for incubation o'n^ffî&Contineriif’of' Europe,'
although’--the- spëöfes" is—of général-distribution 'along -the'
coasts';' and if - also" dccur#%n the inland waters- down* fer
Sarèptà ^ofi fthe'sVol'^a., In-the Mediterranean' immature'
birds "havé been obtained^s far éasLks-’ Greece/ but 'adults"’
are very-rare in any portion-of that' lan'd-foékëd sea. jj Wést-9
ward, it ranges 'Canaries,' which appear to be its*
soiMhërnJ limit*.1 "Ctf the other sidé^öff the Atlantic
foùndî?brèedffig'''géheS'ally throughout Danish Greenland up
te^6SBN.’Jl i # ; '’and îf'tïïas been observed in Bâffin Bay.
Southward, it nests-umLabrador, and in the eastern • exfremîfÿ'7
of* Maine ; it oetmis ^on the great lakes-;., ranges to FloritJ^1
iff- ivintef ; and has bèèn obtained' in' the month of December ;
Î8Ÿ7, On the Paciéc-sidO '
it "has wcbhtly been < procured on frw^dc’asions^mmr*
hîùmèrous examplWwere observed-—on thé Alaskan shore-off
Bering Straft ;4hd it is'-përhaps by this routé that*it reaches
Japan, whërê^'sevërêS' àdnlt speèimëh'S1 hate/beên obtained By
Captain BlakistohJ; In the southern hemisphere our5 species -
is ^p%fenteff,? hy^Tj'dfus -clôWiihi'cahffîé; ’■%' bird with a vëry
slfdu# bill, brdwnrsh-hlack mantle; hnd ‘ olîvâ%eoûs legT ahd3
^æm^VHât' Siïï allêr':thah, but quitë; all vork ci offs as its r
riortherh-n’â p lj^ . The Ddn®fliS3n,fCull rar^Pfr'ôm N%w
2ïëMlamff by’El^u'eMif and'Wo* oTher ’desolate islands of their
Southern*^ fc'oa n, fm-ffbuth Africa'; ' -the:rFalklahdsf' and Hothc
kidds; of^ South America.
?5CThe uff'ihæ-' Great "Black-baiiiêd^GuH • -g1 generally
lâi’gë ih ’ sizE^ r;d^^ly^nbllhw'edb ahd^^förrfïed * off drÿ '’gïàsà/
VOL. h i . 4 M