The young male diffère in having the head more streaked |
with black; the throat and neck are buff instead of orange,
with a faint black, gular ring ; the band across the chest is
at first absent ; the, primaries are more sandy-coloured ; the
upper parts arë much spotted instead of being barred, and
thé central rectrices are hardly prolonged.
The adult fèmale has thé crown and nape buff streaked
with black, without the golden-orange of the male jrthe
throat and. sides of thé head orange-buff, with a narrow
black gular terminal band ; upper parts and wing-coverts
rather spotted than barred with black ; chest-band Jvery
indistinct, but feathers on the abdomen: darkfbrôwn throughout
their "greater parts'; general colours duller, and central
rectrices less elongated than in the adult male,
i Total length Of the male about fifteen inches : wing ten,
inches ; first primary one, inch., longer than second; central
rectrices extending three and even three and .a half inches,
beyond the others.. Female slightly smaller. Weight of
well-conditioned birds Of both sexes ten and a half ounces.
Examples with recently■ fiioulted quills were obtained on 26th
June, and birds shot in .October, after their full change, were
'remarkable for'the beauty and freshness of their plumage.
The vignette represents the sternum of this species.
Tetrao urogallus, Linnaeus*.
Tetrao urogallus-
Tetrao. +—Bill' short, strong; tipper mandible convex, and arcbed from the
base to the tip. Nostrils basal, lateral, partly elosed by an arched scale, and
* ,Syst. Nat. Ed. 12,L'p.'27?:(17j5$. - ; + l. c. .