dug supplied by the late Mr. :Selby, of Twizell House, I
was shot early in December, 1889, in a- large wood a few I
miles to the east of Fenton. - Of late; years 4ther instances 1
have been recorded, one of the most recent being described fl
by Mr. Gatcombff fZodL 1879, p. '60). Mr. DloydsSa-ys I
that it is on record that a Black-cock, confined ‘in a coop I
with a domestic hen, paired with her,-'the result being I
seven hybrids, all females, and these subsequently proved I
good “ laying hens.” -
Lagopjjs,, 's(éöTipris i (Lathamm).
LagoPus, Brmonft. -iiBill very short, clothed at the base with feathers ; the
upper mandible convex, and'bent .dawn, at therpoint.- Nostrils basal, lateral,
partly closed by an arched membrane, and nearly hidden by -the*Sm.all closely-set
feathem at the base of the,,biJJI* - Eyebrows naked, as in the genus,-Tej/rao.‘
* Tetrao scoticus, Latham, Ind. O r ig in p.
+ Ornithologie, i. ppr
vol. in. L