and upper part of the back, ash-grey, slightly varied with
occasional darker-coloured streaks; wing-primaries black,
the shaft of the first quill-feather white, the othérs with
Shafts of light brown; secondaries and wing-coverts greyish-
black, the margins varied with whiter the plumage .of; the
lower part of the back almost black; the upper tail-coverts
white, each of the few feathers, between these, Suffices Have
two semicircular bands-ef dark grey on a ground of white;
tail-feathers white, with numerous ash-coloured bands,
broadest on those of the centre, with about twélve narrower
bands on each outside tail-feather, middle tail-feathers rather
the longest of the series; wings reaching half an inch
beyond the end of the ta il; chin and upper part of: the
throat white; neck in front and diverging to, ;each fside
of the breast white,' streaked with ash-grey longitudinally;
frqnt of the breast, belly, • flanks, and under tail-
coverts,- pure • white ; all the bare parts of the legs and
toes yellow,; aplläry pinnies -pure white :banded.,w-ithl gfey.'
As the:young,of the Itedshank, with pale yellow legs; has
several times been mistaken for—the Yellow-shankéd Sandpiper,
it may be pointed put that >T.: has a much
more slender bill,'a Idagdrr tarsus, and’ äxillaries which'‘are
distinctly barred: not white like those in the Redshank. ^ ToTA^tJ^\)AhE|0|^^(^melm*^g
Totanu-s gloUis\- 3
The .Greenshank is not very abundant as a spe,ci£3, and
may be considered as a regular yig|pt’ in varying- nnpabers
at about the periods .of thepvernal and autupmal migration,
onv±he passage to and from those ,nprthern ( locgilijiies in
whiqh it pa,3sa» the b r e e d i n g - . s e a s o n u n(l m°st
frequently in therl^pndon market towards the end of April
and in May, jt^-Bfenisge th.qn; exhibiting to/sojna- ext^l
the darker streaks and ,sgoj^ which mark the commencement
of the summer^dress. It is. as abundant on the-vernal as
'pn-Jhe ajitumnal migration, and although it is naturally
* , $.£plo.Qcw$ canescens, Gmeliii,, Syst. 6i38