of any record of such a hybrid as this is supposed to
be, though information received from several quarters indices
me to believe that other examples have before now
occurred ; and my chief object ip. exhibiting the present
specimen is to call attention to the subject.”
• ;LjKftflros - MXJTd's (Mohtim*||sS
'; Lagoftus muiup.
T h e P tarmigan is :;the; smallest in size of. the British
Grouse'/' and, so far as regards these islands, it is at the
present day confined ^tp Scotland, beyond which i t , has
probably not' been found within the histor^period. Its
* Tetrao mutus, Montin, Physiographiska Salskapets Hand!.', pv155 /.Stockholm,
1776/). The essential portion of this rare. workis_ in the library of the
Linnean Society.