. males have the' lores black, whereas in the female the lores
are usually white;. but' some old " females ' shew a dark' Jèye-
strèak. This garb is retained until the. following spring.
•MacgilHvray/ mentions /two hen birds from Banffshire
examined; on :the :16th December,'which had the 'whit’el
plumage 'delicately tinted with rose-colour. i
In. the young, with the quill-feathers just appearing, the
down is rather more ruddy than in the'Red Grouse',', and/the
patch on the crown and nape is of a rather . paler chestnut
in the centre.;, but when half hedged .-the young .arergtéyer
than those of th e : Grouse. ' r/Tha first quill-feathers are
mottled brown, but in August/they'are ’replaced by white
enéS/ and a.'grey body plumage, similar to' that|ofethe adultsj
is assumed.
In winter , large, numbers- öf, so-called** Ptarmigan? are
sent, over’ to'the/English markets; fully seven-eighths ©fthein
being, however, Wikh^WnGr ouse in winter dress. . These may;
he: recognized by. their- larger/size,‘‘and, in the' case] of the
malea^rky;the '.ahsqnce‘{^f/the/black/lorel^which ,'ara always
present in the'.male /Ptarmigan. ,
In the three repr^ju^tf°ha'm|>^hê4Plarw è an a^tha
head,of'this subject, thè.lcwer^figure'.is^ta^en from a female
killed / in the ‘month of May, the ’upper figure from a male
killed-in October',' 'and:th#lmiddle figure from a maleibiiil
killed 'in Januafy; 'Ü
PhI siant's ^colchicus (L'ihnajus*^
THE - P H E i f f lT .
' - PhasianiMwfyhww^L
Phasiakus^ Bvissonf. —Bill] of /poder^te length, 'strong/'upper mandible
convex, naked at the" base, and1 wjth'djm Zip bent 'downwards.^/ Nostrils basal,
lateral, covered with arcActilaginpus .scale ; cheeks, and,the skin surrounding the
‘ jSyst/Nat. Ed. T'2/i. p. >271 ' / emitholbgie,;i., p. 262,/17b0')s'i/-|