Teinga maculata, Vieijlot.*' ,
T ring a vectoraJis,
Trikga, B r i s g o n 'Y .—Beak rather longer t^ n -th e Aead, sometimes decurvqd,
rather flexible, compressed at the base, depressed, dilated, and blunt ^toweirds
the point, both mandibles - grooved along th e ’sides.-‘‘■Nostrils lateral f -placed in
the membrane of the groove. ] Legs moderatelx loi^,"slende^loj®er .part ofJtLbia
naked; three toes in front, cjjrid^fl'vl'O theirorigin ; one toe behind, small, and
articulated upon the tarsus.J Wings” moderately”long, pointed, the first quill-
feather the longest.
The first example .of- this American Sandpiper,, which .wrs
recorded as a -straggler fto'ou,r shores, wa§ killed on thg- 17th
October, 1830, ^p. the borders.'.Qf RrevdaTS) Water, ;n(ear
Yarmouth jn: Norfolk, sp celebrated for ^ the -nurperou^ rm-
hipis‘which have at different times wSqpi observed and sshot
(pjj its banks and waters. 'The person who killed, if remarked
iH i was solitary, and its note was new. to- .him,‘wfhich
* Nouv.rDiCt. d’Hist. Nat. xxxiv. pg4flS£(dF®il9). The'nUme’Of^F.^'pecidralis,
Say (Long’s Exped. i. p.,17t), was not conferred till
'b^P^ithologie, v. p. Gopld" (Hbk. B. Australia, n. pJ25A)
placed the present species and Trmga acuminata *(5fqrsf'. ],*& a new and undefined
genus, Limnoeinclus.
induced him;tp shoot it/ The bird/on dissection, proved tb
be a female, and was preserved by the late Mr. J. Harvey, of
Yarimouth, as a curious variety of the ■ 'Dunlin, with some1
doubts as to whether it might not be a" new Species,” ’ ffl was
detected^bÿ the late' Mr. J; (Mag. Natf'Hist. i.
p. 116),?whd, believing if tobeundéscribed 'as a British bird,
sent it up tor the" Author for i-nspe'etioif. ; MrVAuduboh being
then in dLondon/thé bird was 'exhibited t’bSfâm; as a good*
authontyHfcx American species; and he immediételf^cbnfirmed
the; previous notion that the "bird was En example' of" the
Pectoral Sandpiper'of America.^ '
Since that date several' welkauthenticâted' specimens havS3
been obtained in Ifm^same-conhty. On the 30th September,
1853,%'fëmale0apparèntly a bird’ of the year, was^killed near
Yarmouth, and recorded^©©!. p. 4124) by M-ihj. H. Gurney,
in whose .'colèctiom -i'tenow is;"4 On the' l%thr September;
1865,’rone killed at Caistor was brought to Mr. Stevens'bn'iir’
the&fiesh/ and a female; which“ was’preserved' for'the“ Lynn
Museum, was‘ netted oh theOth Sanitary, 1868, in" Terling/
ton Marsh (^^NbrMk® ii. p.^3(x8^).V'r
Oh|pB5?27th" May, -1840,..the' late. D. W. Mitchell, ^
PeuMnce^sikotw -specimen of lthis ’Sahdp^eÿ?%Mie - it was'
rest in g" o# somes-seaweed within a few yards of the water; On
the rocky shore, of Annet/ one pf the uninhabited islands/af
S|py/> / On- thei following day " another example'was'seen,"
butlhecameys© wild/after an unsuccessful'shot, that iff5’took"
off to another“ island, and ieshaped altogether; rj
Another, as recordedilby Mr. W. P. Cocks ^Naturalists
1661; p. ' 157)/ was^obtaièed':'at''Gÿllyngvâse" East; bear
Falmouth. In September, 1670/41®«Rev.'- «T. Jenkinson,’“
while ;.©n .a-visik tolthe Scilly ^Islands,1:shot; a bird’ of this
species, wh-icbdié brought‘tp the late Mr. E. H/Rodd^ who"
ayfew days later had an iopportuhity of examining ahofkeir'
examples secured at "the'| same ^place ; and before at week had“
elapsed he ■received another, from'his friend Mrg Augustus?
Bechell (B; of ' Cornwall, p?3î'04|Sî In' Devonshire two were*"
g f i f B ieo ,:i3 ^ ^ ^ fc ^ ^ ^& î the c[oHesfcl£>yof the. late ifr. Hoy (Field, I s iS ll
xxx.-p. *’4fl6)f,-^ays that this’specimgmis not to fee found' there.