ear-coverts also black; nape of the neck white;: back,
scapulars, wing-coverts, tertials, upper tail-coverts, and the
base of the tail-feathers. $sh-brown or light hair-brown j':the
wing-primaries dusky black; the distal part of the shafts of
the quill-feathers white ; the two middle: tail-feathers the
longest, and dusky black at the end ; the two outer tail-
feathers on each side wholly w h ite ; chin, cheeks, sides of
the neck and the throat, pure w h ite; ju st in advance: of: the
carpal joint, or point of the wing, on. each side, is a patch of
black, not continued round the front; the breast,, belly, yent,
and under tail-coverts white; under wing-coverts and axillary
plume white; legs, toes, and claws dark slate-colour«.
The whole length -is almost seven. I inches. From the
carpal joint, to the -end of the wing, four inches' .and rone-
quarter : the wing p o in te d ; the first, quill-feather -.the
In the adult female the dark colour on the head and neck
is less decidedly black, and occupies a smaller surface.
Young birds of the year have no black colour above the
white on th e forehead; and. the lore, as' well as the ear-
Coverts and- th e patch in- front- Of the bend of the wing are
dusky-brown ; the beak, legs,' and toes;, black. Therryoung
in down may be distinguished from those of the Ringed
Plover by their more rufous tint, £
- The illustration represents an adult male killed in summer,
and a young bird of-the year killed in autumn.’
Ç h a ra d r iu s plu;v ia l is , Linnæus.*
'(3 haradWm phwtaWs .’un
Çharadrius, Lirmæusf.—Bill shorter-thantbé head, straight,xa^trer slender, *
the upper mandible/straight to the end of the nasal ïiirrow, then slightly-raised,
and decnrved to thqpoihted;tip f nostrils snhhasal; and linear., Legs, of moderates
length, slender, bare for a short distance above the tarsal-joint.: tarsi reticulated.,
Tbes three njjhly, alt directed forwards, slightly webbed at the "base. "Wings
long,'pointed in. shjpé j tbe;,first qnilHfeather'the longest^ inner eeeondaries
much shorter than in Eudromicls} and somewhat shorten than in *•
The Plovers of 'tKe genus- Gharabd^ius^ as now-restricted,
are remarkable for assuming in.’the ‘spring, and retaining
* Çharadrius. Pluvmlis, Linnaeus, Syst. 'Nafi. Ed. 1 2 /L p. 254 (47166).
t U>mt rit. p. 253. r *