side tail-feathers shorter than those in the middle. The
chin and throat white'; the neck and breast pale brownish-
white, each feather streaked along the centre with blackish-
brown ; belly, sides, and flanks almost w h i t e , l o n g
narrow longitudinal streaks ; vent and under tail-coverts
huffy-!white, without streaks ; ! legs and toes ^yellow ; the
daws almost black.
The whole, length is seventeen inches. The wing from
the carpal joint to the end, nine inches and three-quarters;
the first and second quill-feathers néarly equal in length,
and the longest in the wing. '
The plumage in the two'sexes is nearly similar.
In young birds the markings o f. the plumage are legs
distinct, and the cedematous swelling at.--thé. joints, which
has originated the name Thicknee, is then apparent,/but
afterwards disappears. In the nestling the.‘upper, parts - are.
stone-buff with brown lines ; a dark stripe down the centre
of the crown, and similar stripes from the neck to the rump
and along the, sides; under parts pale buff; legs bluish-grey.
The breast-bone of this species is here figured.
l im ig o l m . GLARMOLIDM
G la r eo la pratincola (Linnaeus
,,vQlg>yieolfb fongyata.- ~~
' ■ hi'ARBOL'i, 'Brtssonf.—Beak' sport, convex, compressed towards the p6int,
the upper mandible"curved' tHrodpfout the distal half of its length. "Nostrils
basal,' lateral, pierced obUquely^j.^Eegg, bare for a short space above, the tarsal
joint; long a.nLr&ther slender; three toes in %on|? o p e J 5 e h ^ ^ | / t h e t o e
uiut^d by aTs5oi;t membrane t<? the outer tgp; the in n ^ r,!^ fr&e fh e hind tpe-
articulated upon'the tarsus; claWlong and subulate. Wings very lofig, the first
gujll-feather the longest.
T h e P r a t in c o l e is an inhabitant 6f the temperate and
warmer parts 'of Europe,, Africa, and Asia, and .occurs in
the Brit^fi Islands, as a rare' straggler. Tpe Earliest "record
is perhaps by Gravel/!who says that one was taken at Boldness,
in'Cumberland, in 1807; .one* in September,
near Truro, in’Cprnwall;' and one on Eude-waters, in Surrey,
prior W l8 rC j . "He gives a coloured illustration, for which
he says he 'fs #infebted to Mr. J. Bullock, o.f/the 'London
* Prdtvficbla, Linnaeus, Sy-st. Nat. Ed. 12, i.*pl'345 (1-7^6
1 Ornith’B'lbgie/v 'p. 14T3^60^ja! '1
+ "Britisb Dmithology, ii., not paged“* ^