L aHu s -g l a u b u s / ?0. Fabricius.*
THE ^LApJ^QW1 (jcJJliilZi
Taaruw ghmeiis.
T h is large species, equal in size to the Great " ^ k c f e b a p f e e d
Gull last described, was firsj^niad©-known- as a winter visitor
tpdihe most Northern of the Shetland, by ^he/; late Dr.
Lawrence Edmondston, who- obtain^, young and_ old birds
* Fauna Qrcelandica, p. ex Bruimich*"1-
of both the species of White-winged Gulls included in this
Wbrk; - The habits of this Gull as observed by himself are
thus described This species is never known to breed in
Shetland. It arrives that country about the middle of
autumn, and leaves itlowards the end of spring. Its favourite
resorts are the entrances of the ®or,a exposed baysT or the
ocean, a few mil®8 off the land, where it is. often found assiduously
attending the fishingrboats; to pick up any offal that
may be thrown overboard ff and it is often taken by a line
and hook-baited with fish, when engaged i-n this pursuit* -It
ris greedy and voracious, to a provbrb; and, when, allured by
carrion, which seems;tojhedts favourite fo'od, becomes comparatively
indifferent jt# danger.. It then>;quits the,ocean
•and th e headlands,-^enters there bays, and boldly- ventures
inland. Its usual depoifengnt' is grave and -siiert^exhftit-
ingUittle of - the;;chajjicteidpti:c,rwrvaeity^r Inquisitiveness of
.many; of itj^-trihe# and i fc r;is/r< .exertion, chiefly by a
sense.of danger,- ox^the.crM'i^gs^of hunger.- 'When it flies
jb extendsTita wings .<moro,,!,?and its’ flight is 'also more buoyant
than.' that -of the other species Mr Gull; and, when net-in
.quest of.rfpdd, it is of a-.ifeseifved?" disposition seldomr coming
.within the range,of a .fowling-pieces but soars afc a»respectful
.distance, uttering, at intervals, a hoarse, scream, of a souhd
quitfe> peculiar toiltseM^tTt exhibits none ofl that, remarkable
instinct !sQa predominant in many of the larger species' of
thasgemjs, whichrjpdmpts thett^frequentlyj at the haztod'of
.their rown -Eves,-to warn mother animals of fthe? vicinity of the
sportsman-p buinwhen Q&cefgalarmed, at. commonly flies off.'
Jmrfcbe; month oof i^ovembjer , I ‘.'observed sa- flock, of
upwards’of a :hundredf?of this 'Species in .-the Bay of Balta
Sound, in - Shetland C : They remained there for two Or three
weeks, rgain g-oetrto sea, search -of- food, regularly, at a
particular period!oftlbestide, andr returning t#i| rest- forborne
time in the ,Bay.'!,During this time I had ample oppor-
tuhify;of observing their appearance; and habits,, and of eom-
pleielyt ©on firming- allfth^rviews Lhad previously .entertained
conderning themJli It "is in sUnst,- t-hei most northerly island
of the group,.that I haver-found it most -frequently, and