spring. The beak is straight and nearly black; the irkles
brown; the top of the head and back of the neck ash-brown,
streaked with dusky; scapulars and'feathers of the1 back ash-'
brown, some assuming a deep' black Colour, in ' thé centre
and becoming rufous on the édgès ; wing-coverts ash-brown,
edged with greyish-white; primaries^ dusky-black with
white shafts; secondaries 'düsky-brówn with minute^iaps^of
white; tertials dusky-brown, margined with nsh-greyy upper
tail-coverts white;- two-' middle tail-feathers pointed,“longer
than the others, and dark brown ; the rest ash-brown-j chin
white; cheeks, sides' of the neck, and upper part - of' the
breast; greyish-white; speckled " with' dusky ; axillaryl plume
white; belly and under tail-coverts also white^l'égs'Hdes,
and claws almost black, tinged" with green.?"
The whole length"ok 'the" adult male is' seven' incHeS* and
a half. From the carpal joint .of thé iwirig to"the "end óf the
first quill-feather, whichrisHhé longèst^four inches-and three-
quarters. The female if/a trifle larger "and 'more** rlcHly
coloured. ^ In ita winter plumage''whiö^is“g i^ “ Bonaparte’s
Sandpiper 'may be distinguished frgm- t|$jfl®unliri*'by its'
conspicuously white rump; iytthe dotal Absence of 'any* black
spots' on thé breast, and by a morevdefi-nefl-white -eye?streak.’
T kfj%yva urfm', LinhaeW.*
Tring A
This species, known «ajLl .round ’b y ,sjGtriaey^ one. or
mepf'ê f' the folio win g ~ names .:-y^iz>.^Dunlinri' Purre .(Sir
Tborrifl.R B/qwine writers dti Ghurr), Stint, Ox-Bird, Sea ^nipe,
thp I most numerpa^^? all tl^Sandpipei^frequent-
ing,-our -shores and tidal rivers,; and maytjfe seen there
tmqughout the* yq^jt except for a. short-rime, at the breeding»
season; IgEniis it very pïten «,secen ^inland at any otm|r period*
Evpn in summer, ^howpver, flocks .of birds pmthe. previous
Jg&r which have not attain^^the,breeding plumage, may be
Ibser-fed orndhuSpurn in Yqfkshire, and in similaj, suitable
(oealitj,ej7opspnr coasts,,. During autumnvpart§cularlyyvhen
t In the ‘ Durham JpouEglMdrBooky-’ ^ ^ , . th,p.^oi'(J is spelt ‘rDanlipg-,’|and.
I$lr.^Hp,rtiDg "suggests-^Zg^}. p. 444^, Ijhafc it may he. a dinnnutive, .like,
gosling,; Drufklin'g.