at Fulham; where we saw several plants of it in bloom.
It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was raised
from seed, brought from that country,Burchell; and from a plant given by hbiym Mtor . RWob. eJr.t Henry Jenkinson, Esq. our drawing and description
were taken last summer. It is a hardy greenhouse
pmloann t,f raanmd ew; isllo ptrhoabta bitl y deoneds unreo tt hgee tw tionote rm iunc ha mcoomistpueraet.,
anItd tmhraiyv ebse w inecllr eians ead mbyix ctuutrtei nogfs ,s atankdeyn l ooafmf w ahnilde the shoots are young; or from seeds, which ripen plentifully,
if some pollen be attached to the stigmas when
in full bloom.