f.J&idqtimy /yj fficaiaU-iéiuy. / /cfZ^L.
A /r . Palk’s Stork's-hill.
P. Palkii, caule fruticoso ramoso, ramis patentibus, fo-
liis planis cordatis trilobis dentatis : lobis distinctis
patentibus rotundato-obtusis stipulis cordato-ovatis ciliatisi,n fuemriobreilbluiss msuublltoifbloartiiss,, tubo nectarifero ealyce parum longiore.
thicSktleym cslhortuhbebdy ,w mituhc hl obnrga nwchheitde; bsprarnecahdeins gs pruenaedqinugal,
Lhaeiarvse, sa sf laart,e ctohred paeteti,o dleese,p plye d3u-nlocbleesd, , btroaocttheesd, awnidth c laalrygxe.
bsilduenst,l ys trroounngdlyed nteerevthed, cluonthdeedrn weaitthh ,s hthoert hnaeirrvse so nm buocthh
blorwanecr hoende:s slolibgehst lsyp r2e-alodbinegd,. diPsetitnioclte, s bflluantttelyn erdo uonnd ethde; ouvpapteer, saidceu taen, df crionngveedx. onP tehdeu lnocwleesr . cySlitnipdurilceas lc, o4rd atote 8ly-
aflroew eorveadt.e , Inovthoelursc rela nocf e6o loatre 7, bfrriancgteeds,, stoampeer -opfo winhteicdh. sPeegdmicelensts l oancguetre t;h aunp ptheer bornaec teosv, avtiel,l oeurse. cCt;a ltyhxe 5 -octhleefrts;
ltahnacne tohlaet ec,a lryexf,l exfleadt.t enNede cotna rbifoetrho ussid teusb, eg aib lbitotules laotn tgheer base. Petals 5, of a dark scarlet: the two upper ones
abnroda dflryo mob iot vtaot et,h ew ibthas ea na roeb as cfuerwe dsaprokt liinn etsh et hcaetn tarree,
sslpirgehatdlyin gb. ranFcilhaemde;n tsl o1w0e, rc opnenteaclste do abtl otnhgel yb aslei,g uselavteen, bpeerafreicntg. anStthyelers ,p uwrhpilceh, sinli gohutlry s pheaciirmy eants thwee reb aasell aimnd
smooth upwards. Stigmas 5, purple, revolute.