'fêj& .'ïAnltó ede/.
GERANIUM macrorhizon.
Long-rooted Crane’s-bill.
G. macrorhizon, caule basi suffruticoso foliis glabris 5-partitis : lobis apice deanptiacteis ,d icchaloytcoimbuys, DgloCb.o psroo idnrfl.a stiyss, tp. entaalti.s integris, staminibus nutantibus. 1 . » . 640.
Geranium macrorhizum. Willden. sp. pl. 3. p. 699.
JPaecrqs.. scyonll.. 2\.. pp.. 223558.. HIeo. rrta. rK. 1ew.1.. 1e3d4. .2 . Cv.a 4v.. pd.i ss1.8 45.. p. 212. t. 25. Sims bot. mag. 2420.
and Sbtreamnc hsuedff,r ustceaslcye.n t aLt etahvee bsa spee, ltoaftete, n dae efpoloyt i5n loern g7th-
speagrmteden, tss mdeoeoptlhyi stho oatbhoedv,e , wdiethn sbellyu npt urboeusncdeendt tuenedthe rnteeramthi;
tnoaotethde dw. ith Pae stmioallels m luocnrgo, : sluigphptelyr leflaavtteesn e3d- paornt edth, es luigphptelyr side and rounded on the lower, swollen at the base, attekneuealteedd,
umpwucarrodnsa, tes.l ightFlyl opwubeer-sscteenmt. dSicthipoutolmeso ulsa,n cpeoulbaetes,
ccelenst , colufs ate preudr,p dliischh ocotolomuoru, slloyn gpearn itchlaend ,t h2e- flleoawveerse. d. PBedraucn-
hteasir 4y., veCrayl yosnh ogrtl,o bluanlacre, oilnatfela, tepdo:i ntseedp. als P5e,d iculneesq usahlo ritn, ssipzree, adsitrnogn golry r e3fl-erxibebde, dr,o upnudrplyli oshb,o vmatuec, reonntaitree., ofP ae rteadldsi s5h, palul rbpelea,r irnegti caunlathteelrys ,v evienreyd lwointgh, ligdhectelirn vinegin, s.r emSatainminegn sso m10e, time after the petals are dropt. Style longer than the
isntga.mens, smooth, purple. Stigmas 5, purple^ spread