PELARGONIUM rotundilobum.
Round-lobed Stork’s-bill.
P. rotundilobum, foliis planis cordatis profunde quin-
quelobis obsolete dentatis mollibus: lobis divari-
catis rotundato-obtusis, stipulis lato-margine reflexis, miibellis subsexflorics,o rtduabtois naeccuttais- rifero calyce reflexo subeequali.
Pelargonium rotundilobum. Swt. hort. brit. inedit.
thicSktleym c losthhreudb bwyi,t h bsrparnecahdiinngg ; vilblorauns chheasi rss parnedad isnogft,
down intermixed. Leaves flat, cordate, deeply 5-lobed,
boobtsho lseitdeelys , nvoetrcyh esodf tw toit hth esh toorut cbhl,u nmt uncoht cnheersv, edh auinryd eorn
snperaethad, inthge, vneerryv ebsr oraedti caunladt erloyu bnrdaendc. hePd:e tlioobleess dsliisgtahntlty,
tfhlaitctkelnye dc loonth ethde wupitphe rs psriedaed ainngd vroilulonudse dh aoinr st haen ldo wsoerf,t
cdaolwyxn. inStetirpmuilxese db, roasa dalyre ctohred apteed, uancculetes,, bthraec tmesa, rgainnds
rIenfvloexluecdr.e oPfe d6u nocrl e8 cbyrloinaddrliyc alla, ncgeeonleartael lyta p6e-frl-opwoienrteedd. bractes, all united into one at the base. Pedicles very
short, hairy. Calyx 5-cleft, upper segment ovate, the
towthoe ursp plaenrc oenoelas tbe,r oaaldl eresft,l ebxreidc.k -cPoelotaulrse d5 ,w ciuthn etawteo ;d athrke
brown spots in the centre, between them and the base
agrreo unnudm; elroowuse rp puerptalles borfa rnacthheedr al ilniegsh toenr ncoelaorulyr . a wFhiliate
ments 10, united at the base, seven bearing anthers,
wvehriyc hl oanrge, hgaeinreyr aallty tihmep ebrafseec t.a ndS tyslme opoathle -cuoplwouarredds., Stigmas 5, pale purple, spreading.