HOAREA labyrinthica.
Labyrinth-flowered, Hoarea.
H. labyrinthica, foliis piloso-canescentibus:simplicibus ovatis ternatisque; superioribu s ipnifnenraiotirfiibduiss ppoinsnitaist isaqltueren: isfqoulieo luist rsinegqmuee nptiilsoqsuise coabnloenscgeon-toivbuatsi,s socpa--
rpeofl eraxmo osessoq, uuilmonbgeilolirse .multifloris, tubo nectarifero calyce
Hoarea labyrinthica. Swt. hort. brit. p. —. n. 61.
caneRsocoent tt;u bloewroeurs .o nSest esmimlepsles . anLde aovveaste v, atrriiafbidle o, rh taeirryn aatned; ualpteprenra toen, eos blpoinngn aotirf iodv aoter , pibnlunnatties:h , lehaafilreyt sa nodp pcoasnietesc eanntd. aPceuttieo, lejos inselden adte rt,h ev ibllaossee loyf , haanirdy .d ecuSrtriepnut lae sg oloadn cweaoyla utep,
uthme bpelest ioofle f. lowSecrsa, ptehsic kblrya ncclhoitnhged, awnidth sporfotd uunceinqgu als ehvaeirras,l dasu nacrele sth ec yplienddurinccalle.s , Icnavlyoxl,u carned noef cstaervieferarol ulsi ntueabre,. acPutee,
fsrhionrgte, d obrr acatletosg. ethUerm bwealns timnga.n y-fCloawleyrxe d5. -clPefet,d icselegsm veenrtys lnaanrcreoowlaetre ,a nadc urteef, lexuepdp.e r Noneec taerreifcet,r ocuosn ctauvbee, tahbeo uot thhearlsf asps altounlgat ealgya liing ualas tet,h er efclaelxyexd. froPmet aablso u5t, ththee m 2i dudplep,e rm ouncehs pveuirnpelde, spthoet vneeianrs thcreo bsseinndg, ewachhi coht heexrt,e nmdsa riknetod swoimthe ao fd athrke
veins: lower ones narrower, of a lighter colour, and
scarcely veined. Filaments 10, united at the base, 5 bear