bractes, which are sometimes toothed Pedicles longer than the bractes or thaen dn emctuacrrifoenraotues.
tNuebcet.a riCfearloyux s5 t-ucblee fsth; osretg, mbeunt tsu nlaenqcueaol lainte l,e ancguthte,, seormecet.
times wanting altogether, flattened on each side and
gPiebtbaolsu sf ivaet , thoeb lboansgel,y noovta thea alfn dth reo luenndgetdh aotf tthhee pcoailnytxs,. wmhoistte , raotrh esrl igwhidtleys t,t inagnedd swliigthht lpyi nmka;r ktehde attw oth eu pbpaesre
with reddish lines. Filaments 10, united at the base,
smeevne nv iblleoaursin. g aSntythlee rosf. a Plioglhletn r eodr,a nvgeery-c ohlaoiruyr.e dS. tigGmears-
5, red and revolute.
The present plant is an old inhabitant in our greenhCoaupsee
sb, ya Mndr . wCaosl vrialli sesdev efrroaml yesaeersd argeoce. iveIdt hfaros mg etnhee
fraarlmlyo spuamss,e da nidn Po.u rs ucpoellrebcutmio,n sa nudn dweer thhaev en anmoe doofu Pbt. Pbu. fto ritm ios stihssei mPu. fmor mofo sPuemrs ooofn .D. esIfot nvtaairnieess , wanitdh afllsoow tehres
smporerea doinr gl; esths e stnreiactteadri,f earonuds ttuhbee pies taallss o mvoerrye voarr ialbesles
in its length, sometimes altogether wanting.
M. Decandolle, in his Prodromus, has given _ the
above as synonyms to our P. Boyleae, which is a
very different plant, though we believe one of its
parents was the present, as we mentioned when we
published it.
In our last Number, folio 210, line 1 and 3, for P elargonium
fuscatum, read P elargonium fuseijlorum, there being already a
P .fuscatum figured by Jacquin.