Mrs. Dobree's Stork’s-bill.
P. Dobreeanum, caule fruticoso ram oso: ramis gracilibus
villosis, foliis cordatis oblongis sinuatis v. profunde
7-lobis. undulatis obsolete dentatis pubescentibus sub-
viscosis: lobis apice reflexis, umbellis subsexfloris, pe-
talis patentibus.
Pelargonium Dobreeanum. S w t. h o rt.brit.p . . n. 320.
Stem shrubby, branching: branches slender, spreading,
thickly clothed with unequal soft villous hairs. L eaves
oblong, cordate at the base, the sinus generally overlapped,
pinnatifidly sinuate or deeply 5 to 7-lobed, much undulate,
and toothed with very small teeth, more or less pubescent,
slightly viscid : lobes rounded, a little reflexed at the p oin ts,
sinuses rounded. P etioles slightly flattened on the upper
side and rounded on the lower, thickened at the base,
thickly covered with unequal villous hairs, as are the
peduncles, calyx, and nectariferous tube. Stipules short,
cordate, taper-pointed, villous and fringed. Peduncles
stout, thickened at the base. Umbels 5 or 6-flowered.
Involucre of several lanceolate, acute bractes. Pedicles
short, villous. C alyx 5-cleft, upper segment erect, the
others reflexed. N ectariferous tube unequal in length,
longer than the calyx. P etals 5, the 2 upper ones, broadly
obovate, cuneate, of a bright orangy scarlet, with a dark
spot in the centre, and a white mark below it, from which
branch numerous short dark lines: lower petals oblongly
obovate, o f rather a lighter colour, much spreading. F ila ments
10, connected at the base, 7 bearing anthers, which
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