DIMACRIA elegans.
Elegant Dimacria.
D. elegans, subacaule, scapo folioso,laciniatis canescenti-pubescentib usfo ;l iisse gpminennattiisf idoob--
sloitnag, isp oetbatluiss is piantteengtribisu sb,i fidcaislqyuceib, uus mrbefellelxai sc, omtupboo-
nectarifero calyce triplo longiore.
Dimacria elegans. Colv. catal, ed. 2. p. 21. col. 2.
tubeRrso.o t Stutebmer onuosn, eb. ranLcehavinegs poiuntn aitniftiod oothr elra csimniaaltleer:
stoeogtmheendt,s thoibclkolnyg c, loothbetuds we,i the nat isrheo rto rc an2e-fsicde, nt speuldboems
sciednec ea. ndP ectoinovleesx sloenn dtehre, alo lwitetlre, ftlhaitcteknlyed colon ththeed uwppitehr
sthheo rbt assielk oyf h tahires .p etiSotliepsu.l es Slcaanpcee olelaatfey,, abcruatnec, hjionign,e da ntod ebreeadr.i ngI nmvaonluyc ruem boef lsn oufm felorowuesr s.l ineUarm, bealcs umtea, nyfr-ifnlogwed
bbrraacctteess.. PCeadliycxl e5s- cvleefryt ; ssheogrmt, esnctsa rlcaenlcye aosl altoen, gu naesq utahle, aaltl trheef lbexaecdk., aNbeocutta rthifreereo utism teusb el ofnlgaettre ntheda na tnhde kceaelylexd. Petals 5, spreading, of a scarlet orangy colour ; two
upper ones distinct at the base, broadly spatulate, a
lditatrlek wlinavese,d ,w ahnidch m barraknecdh f rionm v atrhieo ubsa sdei rwecittiho nnsu m; leorwouesr
ptheeta lbsa lsieg,u lfaivtee , osnellyf -bceoaloi’iunrged a. ntFheilrasm; etnwtso 1l0o, wuenr ifteerdt ialet
voenreys lsohnogrets;t , baasr rine nt hoen oetsh esrhso ortf, theree cgte,n uasn ;d uspupbeurl aotnee.
Style red, hairy at the base and smooth at the point.
Stigmas 5, red, reflexed.
b 2