tals 5, obovate, much veined, their points crenulate,
of a bright orangey scarlet, in variety (2. inclining to.
purple; the three lower ones about as the upper ones. Stamens 10, uhnaitlef da s alta rtghee abgaasien,
tshevee tnw ob euaprpinegr oannetsh veerrsy: sfhiloarmt.e ntGs esrhmoernt vainlldo uss.t raiSgtyhlte;
short, quite smooth and glossy, flesh-coloured. Stigmas
5, reflexed.
of oTuhre gprreeesnehnot uhsaensd; soamnde wsueb sjeucstp eisc ta nit oisld ainn hoarbigitiannalt
istp ebcyie sm, ualsin wge. knIto wis konf onwonne i nth caotl lceocutilodn sh abvye pthreo dnuacmede wofe thhaev Ne oasedgoapyte dG.e raWnieu mdo, nanodt fianldso ibt yr etchoer dneadm ien ththaet
vdaelruna bplueb Plircoadtiroonm, ues xcoef pMt .M Dre. cAannddorlelwe,s ’so rG iner aannyiu mmos:
pdeerrh aGp. sz oitn haales, bfereonm c ownhfiucshe di,t wdiiftfhe rss evase raml uocthhe rass, aunny
issp enceiaerse ro fr eolantee dse tcoti oPn. Bneenetdi ndcilfdfearn ufrmom a nadnPot.h berra;c taenodsu mit
polfa nMts. bDeelcoanngd aollsloe ttoh Can it is to C. zonale. The latter is scarcely different froicmo niGuemr.a niPuemr hacpresn Pa.t ubmra cotef oAsunm
pdrreowdus c;t iaonnd b ewtwe etehnin Pk. fuitl gnidout mp oasnsidb lhey btori dbuem .a hybrid
conTtinhuise sp tloa nflto wsuecrc neeedarsl yw aellll tihne asu rmicmh elri.g hItt ss aomil,a zainndg umbels of flowers exceeds all others of the family with
wcahni cshu rwpaes sa rteh ea cscqauraleint tveadr;i eatyn dfo nr obnreil,l iiann coyu or f ocpoinloiounr.,
“Ggluasttsiensg.s root freely, planted in pots or under handDrawn,
at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, last summer.