PELARGONIUM phoeniceum.
Reddish purple Stork’s-hill.
P. phoeniceum, umbellis plurifloris, foliis rotundato-re-
niformibus undulatis cucullatis qualiter dentatis, stipulis corrduagtoos-oisv vaitlilso siasc iunteies-,
rcuamlyc bibruevs iovriell.osissimis, tubo nectarifero calyce pa-
clotShteedm w eirtehc tl,o bngra nwchhitien gv i; llobruasn chhaeisr ss,p raesa dairneg t,h teh ipcektliy
uolneds,u lpaeted,u ncculceusl,l aatne,d r icgaildy,x .r ugLoesae,v eths ircokulyn dcllyo-trheendif owrimth, short villous hairs, and toothed with numerous unequal
taenedth .f urProewtieodle so ng rathdeu aullpyp etar pseirdien ga unpdw caordnsv,e xf laotnte ntehde
loorw berro, ada lyli totlvea twe,i daecnuetde, acti litahtee .b asPee. duSntcilpeusl ecsy licnodrrdiactael,,
esedv, ecrailli-afltoew berraecdt.e s. InvPoeludcicrlee so vfi lslioxu so, vaatbeo, uat ctuhtee ,l eknegetlh
loafn ctehoel ateb,r aaccteust.e , tChiaclkyxly 5c-lcoltehfet,d sweigtmh elnotsn g bvroilalodulys
hcaaliyrsx., fNlaettcetnaeridf eroonu se atcuhb es idscea, rcgeilbyb oauss laotn gth ea s batshee,
voiblllioquuse. atP tehtae lsb a5s, e,t hoef taw od aurkp preerd doinsehs pburropalde,l yw oivtha tea, dark velvetty spot in the centre, and below that are
nouvamteelryo-uosb lodnagr,k ofb rraanthcehri nag liglihnteesr ; cololowuerr. pFetialalsm eonbts- r1e0d, , uvneirtye dh aairty t.h e Sbtaigsme, asse 5v,e np ubrepalrei,n gre vanotluhteer.s. Style
of MOru. rC dorlavwililn gla ostf tOhics topblaenr.t wIats twakase nr aaits ethde tNheu rsperrey
ceding spring from a seed of P. spectabile S. recurvum,