The present very distinct species is a native of the
Cape, from whence many plants ceived, within these few years, by odfi fifte rhenavt ec obleleecnt orres.
WNuer sfeirryst oofb sMerevsesdrs . itL, oadbdoiguets ,f ivaet yHeaacrks nseiyn,c ew, haetr et hiet was known by the name of P. oxalidifolium; since that
ltiiemvee, iwt eh ahsa vnee vseere nb eiet ni nb evfaorrieo upsu bcolilslheectdi.o nsI, t bbuetl owneg sb teo
tahned ,s alimkee tthriebme ,a esx Pp.a ntrdiss tiet,s P fl. olwobearstu imn ,t hane de vmenaninyg ,o wthheircsh;
akrien dth oefn t rveeartym aegnrte eaasb tlhye s coethneterd t.u beIrto ruesq-uroiroetse dt hsep escaimese:
am omsitx pturorep eor fs oliigl hfot rt ui trf; yk leoeapmin,g p iet aqt,u iaten dd rsya nwdh,e nis inth ea
tdoo rgmroanwt ; stiat twe,i lal ntdh efnre sfhlo pwoetrt ipnrgo fiut saesly s.o onT haes ibte bste gmines
stheeodds ,o wf hinicchr eraipsienng p ilte, nitsi fbuyll yth ief tsuobmeer sp oolfl eints breo oatt,t aocrh bedy
to the stigmas when in bloom.
Our drawing was taken at the Nursery of Mr. Col-
vainldl, mlaasyt baeu tcuomnsni d; eraetd w ahsi cahn taimuteu mit nw falso wine rfinugll sfploecwieesr,.