Miss C. Stapleton’s Stork’s-bill.
P. Stapletoni, umbellis multifloris, foliis cordatis quinquelobis unduplaettiasl iso bosoblceoterd actries-, nulatis pubescentibus, stipulis persistentibus spine-
scentibus rectis, caule crasso carnoso, tubo nectari-
fero calyce quadruplo longiore.
Stem shrubby, erect, thick and succulent, clothed
cwoirthd aat eh, ar5d- lgolboesdsy, bavrekry, nomt umchu chu nbdrualnacteh,e d.s haLlleoawvelys notched, and clothed with a- short hoary pubescence on
bfloatthte nseidde so,n pthoein utsp pbeern sti ddeo, wannwd arrodusn. dePde otino ltehse slloigwhetlry; shwaiorsll.e n Sattip tuhlee sb sausbe,u ltahtiec,k sltyr aciglohtth,e pde rwsiistthe nwt,h hitaer dvielnloinugs
into a spine. Scape branching, thickly clothed with
ldounngc lvesil lcoyulsi nhdariicrsa,l ,a bs eanrte ttohwe apredds utnhcel epso ainntd, cmaalynxy. floPweered.
Involucre of several unequal bractes, some ovate,
oCtahleyrxs 5la-cnlceefot:l autpe,p earc suetge,m fernint goebdlo. ngP, eodbictulesse ,v eeyrye csth; othrte.
foothuer rtsi mneasr rtohwe elre nagntdh roeff ltehxee dc.a lyNxe, cvtearryif ehraoiurys. tuPbee taablso u5t,
owbhcioter dnaetaer, ththee btawseo ; ubpeptewrimxto stth el atrwgoes ct,o lroousres- ciso lao ularregde,
bpurirgphlet psluirgphltel ys pborta, nacnhdi nbge lsopwe tchkast: alroew tewro p eotra tlhs rseme alilglehrt,
reoasceh-.c olFoiulraemd,e nwtsi t1h0 ,a u nbirtiegdh ta tr etdh es pboats ein, sitxh eb ecaerinntgre a nof
thers, besides a large spatulate-shaped one, as in the
others of this section: this produces no anther. Pollen
yellow. Style short, smooth. Stigmas 5, purple, reflexed.