fertilized with the pollen of P. fulgidum; and it is as
near raised as from possible seed,intermediate last year, at between the Nurtsheer yt wofo .M rI.t Cwoals-
vill, where our drawing was made in August last. It
appears to he of as free growth, and as easily managed,
pase aitt,s arnedla tsivaensd, ; subcuct,e ebdeiningg w oefll ai ns uac mcuilxetnutr en oaftu lroea, mit,
requires but little water, and the pots to be well drainefodn
wd itohf pruontsnhienrgd sa bmrooknegns t stmheamll , : aist tahleso rroeoqtusi raerse av derryy
taairkye ns itoufaft iwonh.e n Cthuett inpglasn ot fi si t iwn ilal sftrreiek-eg rroowotin fgre esltya,t eif;
tahnods es hmouusldt bthee pnl abne tepdla cine dp oints ai nw athrme spamaret okfi nthde ogfr eseonil,
house, watering them very sparingly at first, or they
will be liable to rot.