wanting,) about 3 times shorter than nearly equal, the 2 upper ones rathetrh el acragleysxt,. (sPoemteatlism 5e,s pinicnrke,a stehde tou p6p eorr 7o,n) esro umnadrlkye do bwoviathte., a obfr iag hlti gvhiot lerto ssep ootr, farroem s lwighhitclyh tbor atnhceh bedas :e laorwe e2r fpoertkaelds dfaairnkt lpyu rsptrliep elidn.e s, Sthtaat
amnetnhse rs1,0 , seormecett,i mceosn nmecotered iant tthhee mbaasne,y -5p ettaol ed7 fbloewareirnsg. Style short, pale, all over hairy. Stigmas 5, purple, about
the length of the style, reflexed.
This plant is an old inhabitant; of our green-houses,
'wGheeraren iiut mha,'s hgaevninerga,l lwy ep absesleiedv ue,n dbeere nth efi rnsat mraei soefd t hfero Omx fsoeerdd abtu tt hiet Bis oata hnyicbarlid Gparorddeunc tiaotn ,O axnfodr do.n e Wofe i tsh apvaer ennots dmouubstt hsoa veea sbielye na sPc.e rqtuaeinrcedif;o lwiuem s,u sbpuetc wt hita mt tihgeh t obteh ePr .w aadsu ilst enroi-t tnhuem n; umit bvearr ieosf witisth s5ta tmoe n1s0, paectaclosr,d ianngd taol stoh ev ersytr emnugcthh ionf tchuem pstlaannct;e itnhdei csattaimvee nosf iatrse hygebnriedr aollryig isnt.e riWle,e asnuoptphoesre cthire
tnhaem Ge eorfm Pa.n o gxaarldoeindeerss, , bhya sw ohricighi nita tiesd c ofrmomm oan lcyo nkfnuoswionn boyf iPt. forxoomn iethnisse ,c obuyn twryh.i ch Int amis e at hpeyre mttyo slti tptrleo bsanbulyg rgercoewiviendg bgruoswhyn wplealnl, t, suacncede dpinrogd buecsets ina bliugnhdt arnicche sooifl , balnodo mth ew phoetns wmeolils tdurraei.n edC, uattsi nigt s ios fv eitr ys tlriiakbel er otoo t sruefafderil yfr, oimf ptloaon tmedu cihn
pots, and placed on a shelf in the green-house.
sentO uus rb yd rMawr.i nWg iwlliaasm t aSkmenit hl,a sftr omSu mthme ecr,o llfercotmio na o pf lathnet
Earl of Liverpool, Coombe-wood.