PELARGONIUM Brightianum.
Miss Bright’s Stork’s-hill.
P. Brightianum, caule erecto ramoso, 'foliis profunde
trilobis serrato-dentatis pubescentibus:ricatis sublobatis, stipulis ovato-lanceo llaotbisi s adciuvtais- ciliatis, umbellis sub-4-floris, petalis undulatis im-
bviroicrae.tis, tubo nectarifero calyce villoso duplo bre-
thicSktleym c lsohtrhuebdb wy,i tmh ulocnhg b srparnecahdeindg; vbirlalonuchs ehs asiprsr,e aads inarge, the petioles, peduncles, and calyx. Leaves flat, deeply
3o-vlaotbee do, r pcuubneesacteen,t , seorfr aat eplya led egnretaetne , cosolomuert;i mloebs esa goabin- lobed. Petioles flattened and furrowed on the upper
soildaet ea, nadc uctoen,v efrxi nogne dth. e Ploewduenr.c lesS tgipeunleersa lolyv a4t-efllyo wlaenrceed.
Iwnhvioclhu craer eo fl 6o nogveart etlhya lna ntcheeo lapteed, icalceust.e , vPielldoiuclse sb rashctoerst,’
btaepnetr -uppowinaterdds, . veCrya lvyixl lo5u-se,I eufpt;p ers egomnee nltasr gleasntc, eoerlaetcet,, tthhee loetnhgerths roeff letxheed . calyNxe.c taPrieftearlosu s5 , tuimbeb riacbaoteu,t ’vhearlyf much undulate; two upper ones very broad, roundly
obovate, white with a bright purple spot in the centre,
bnealrorwow wlyh iocbho avraet en, uwmheirtoeu. s pFuilrapmlee nsttsr i1p0e,s ; ulnoiwteedr apte ttahles bSatyslee, psaevlee nr ebde, arhianigry a antt htehres .b asPeo allnedn somraonogthe -cuoplwouarredds.. Stigmas 5, of the same colour, with revolute points.
raisTedh,i sl apsrte ytteya rp,l aantt thise aN uhrysberriyd o fp rModr.u Cctoiolvni,l l,a nfrdo mw aas
seed of P. concinnum, that had been fertilized by one