them a very broad spatulate anther, six bearing anthers. onPeo, llwenh icgho lpdreond uyceelslo nwo.
Style short, green and smooth. Stigmas 5, green, reflexed.
This very distinct and curious plant was received,
by Mr. Colvill, from the Cape, in 1822 ; but it did not
pdrroadwuicneg itws afsl owtaekres nt.i ll lIat stb esulomnmgse rt,o atth ew hsiacmh et imseec toiounr
atisn gPu.i sthriesdte ,f rPo.m p uallvle riutsl ennetuamre,s t& acl.l iebsu, t biys trheea dloilnyg dpiesdreicqlueisr
etso tihtse fslaomweer sk,i nadn do f ittrse asmtmoeontht agsr etahsey o ltehaevre sp.l anItts
liona mth,e pseaamt,e asnedc tsioannd: ,a nis ethqeu abl emsti xstouilr ef oorf ilti,g hkte etpuirnfyg
iint tqou firtee shd rsyo iwl hine ns pirnin ag . doTrmhea nbte sstt amtee, thaondd osfh iifntcinrega sit
ing it is by the little tubers of its roots : those must be
planted with their tops above the surface of the mould,
or they will be apt to rot.