bright pink. Filaments 10, straight, joined at the base,
seven bearing perfect anthers, one of them a very small
one on a large spatulate filament,of this section: pollen pale yello was. inG esremveerna l dpenlasneltys
svpilrleoaudsi.n g.Style short, pale, quite smooth. Stigmas 5,
andT whaiss rvaeirsye dh,a innd s1o8m22e, palta tnhte iNs ua rsheyrbyr iodf Mpror.d Cucotlivoinll,, from a seed of P. gibbosum, that had been set with
gthroe wptohl ltehna no fe iPth. esrc eopfe jliotsr enpsa. renItt s;i s aonfd ,m buecihn gs tsroo nvgereyr
tsiumcceu olfe nftl,o wcaerrein mg uiss t labtee tiank esnu mnmote tro a onvde arwutautmern i,t . aftIetsr many of the other sorts are overblown ; this makes it
tdheer abmleo rtei mdees: iriat bilse ,a lsaos vite rcyo snwtieneute-ssc einn tefldo wine rt hae ceovnesniing,
but without scent during the day. It requires
pcruelceinste lkyi nthdes . samAen keqinuda lo mf tirxetuatrme eonft tausr ftyh el ooatmhe, rp seuact,
and sand, will suit it very well, watering it sparingly,
pdarartiniceudl awrliyth insm waliln tpeort:s htehred s,p otthsa tm thuest maolsios tubree mwealyl
fpraosms otfufb reerasd oilfy .t heI tro ios t.easily increased by cuttings, or
Drawn at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, in September