Concave-petaled Stork’s-bill.
P. concavum, scapo subramoso; foliis ternatis pinnati-
fidis laciniatisque lisque obtusis inaeuqturianliqtuere ipnicloissois- d; esnetgartnise,n tuims bfoellilois-
multifloris, petalis concavis inferioribus subconni-
tvreipnltoib ulosn, gciaolryec.ibus reflexis, tubo nectarifero calyce
Root tuberous. Stem none, or very short. Leaves
vlaecryin viaatrei,a ubplpe;e r loonwese rp ionnneast iftiedr,n tahtiec,k liyn tceorvmeereddia oten boontehs
sides with short white hairs: segments on the lower
tleearmveesd rioatuen odneeds, mblournet dlye etpoloyt haendd wshitahr pulnye tqouoatlh teede;t hu;p piner
oPneetiso leins csiseelddo mor thdee elepnlyg thcu ot,f tahned l euavneesq, ufallalytt etnoeodt haendd.
sloliwghert,l yd feunrsreolwy ecdl oothne dth ew uitphp ewr hsiitdee sapnrde acdoinnvge xu noenq uthael
bhaasires .o f tShteip pueletiso lleasn.c eSoclaatpee, ltoanpger -apnodi nstleedn,d jeori,n neodt tmo utchhe branched, producing a few small leaves at the base of
ltyh ec lpoetdhuendc lwesi.t h wPehdituen cslperse laodnign,g uunneeqquuaallly h baiernst. , thInicvkocluocnrcea
ovfe abbroauctte 9s , ovre 1ry0 hlianierayr layt lathncee boalactke., tapPeerd-ipcoleisn tuend,
equal in length, seldom longer than the bractes. Calyx
5-cleft, segments lanceolate, acute, all reflexed,
taunbde acblootuhte tdh rewei thti msehso lrot ngwehri tteh ahna itrhse. caNlyexc, taflraitfteernoeuds
owni deeancinhg suidpew, aard sli,t talels og icblboothuse da wt itthhe s hboarste ,h agirrsa.d uaPlley
tals 5, of a bright salmon colour; the two upper ones
spatulate, reflexed about the middle, with a forked vol. hi. L