Our drawing of this pretty plant was taken last
summer in the collection of Robert Henry Jenkinson,
Esq. It is of hybrid origin, but what its real parents
were it is difficult to determine.like P. Breesianum than any oth erT, haen dle athvees f laorwe enres aarreer
dnootu bvte rbyu td iiftf eisr etnhte fproromd uPc.e Borfo huygbhrtiodnsi cfeo. r sWevee rahla vgee nneo
A very free-growing plant, thriving well in a mixture
of light turfy loam, peat, and sand, or any other
light vegetable soil, producing its elegant flowers all
the summer, and till late in autumn ; and may be
rseaamdeil syo irnt coref asoseild, abnyd cpultaticnegds , inp ala nshteedlt eirne dp soittsu aitnio nth.e