Decked Storks-bill.
P. comptum, caule erecto carnoso ramoso pubescente, foliis
rotundato-reniformibus obsolete lobatis crenato-denta-
tis : supra glabris subpubescentibus subtus tomentosis,
stipulis acuminatis subpersistentibus, umbellis multi-
floris subpaniculatis, tubo nectarifëro calyce quadruplo
Pelargonium comptum. Sw t. hort. brit. p . j—. n. 59.
Stem shrubby, erect, branched, succulent, clothed with
a hard brown bark, pubescent. Leaves kidney-shaped,
rounded, slightly lobed, unequally and rather deeply notched,
with blunt rounded teeth, o f a glossy green, but slightly
pubescent on the upper side, and tomentose underneath. Petioles slender, nearly cylindrical, swollen at the base,
thickly clothed with short villous hairs. Stipules narrowly
lanceolate, taper-pointed, villous, hardening into a sort o f
spine, and continuing for a considerable stem time. Flower- paniculately branched, thickly clothed with long
sdpurnecaldeisn g villous hairs and short down intermixed. Pevillous.
Umbels many-flowered. Involucre o f
6 or 7 lanceolate, acute, villous bractes. Pedicles very
short, often wanting. Calyx 5-cleft, villous, segments unequal,
the back one ovate or broadly lanceolate, blunt,
croonusc atvueb, ee rect, the others narrower, reflexed. Nectarifeslender,
about 4 times the length o f the calyx,
thickly clothed with unequal, soft, villous hairs. Petals 5,
nearly obcordate; the upper ones very little larger than the
others, of a bright pink, light at the base, and a dark