Yellow Carrot-leaved Stork's-bill.
Y. flavum , subcaulescens, foliis decomposite laciniatis hir-
sutis; laciniis linearibus, umbellis multifloris. DC.
prodr. i. p. 662.
Pelargonium flavum. H ort. K ew . ed. 1. v. 2. p. 418.
ed. 2. v. 4. p . 166. W illden. sp. pi. 3. p. 6 5 1. P ers.
syn. 2. p. 228..
Geranium flavum. L in n. f . suppl. 257.
Geranium daucifolium. M urr. gcett. 1.780. p. 13. t. 4.
Cav. diss. 4. t. 120. f . 2.
Root very larger tuberous,, clothed with a brown cracked
bark. Stem very short, decumbent. Leaves doubly com pound*
m uch branched, laciniate, very hairy, o f a pale
yellowish green : leaflets and segments very small, linear,
bluntish, die points curved inwards, bearded. Stipules
roundly ovate, membranaceous, fringed. Scape simple,
swollen at the base, thickly clothed with spreading unequal
hairs, producing a single umbel o f flowers. Umbel many-
flowered. Flowers delightfully fragrant in the evening and
at night, but without scent during the day, of a greenish
yellow colour, Involute o f several unequal, lanceolate,
bluntish bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, upper segment largest,
erect, concave, bluntish, the others narrower, reflexed. Nectariferous tube more than three times the length o f the
calyx, sessile, hairy. Petals 5, a little reflexed, the two
upper ones rather largest, broadly obovate; lower ones o f
the same shape, but narrower, o f a greenish yellow, faintly
striped with brown. Filaments 10, united at the base, one