coloured. Style pale, hairy upwards. Stigmas 5, purple,a tr etfhleex and smooth
This splendid plant is of hybrid origin,^and was
Hraeisnerdy Jfernokmi nssoeend, Einsq .t heW suep seurpbp ocsoel loenceti oonf iotsf pRaorebnetrst
tnoo tb esp Pe.a kig wneisthce cme,r taanindt yt.h e Wothee hra Pv.e r unbaemsceedn s,i t biun t ccoamnspolimmee
nptl atnot sM, arsn.d J eannk einnscoonu,r aag egrr eoaf t baodtmaniircear l oscf iehnacned. planTth,
er adnekli cita taem coonlgosutr oonfe thoef tfhloew feinrse sto fo ft hteh ep rtersibenet:
trheoqsueir easr et hpero dsaumceed kiinn da boufn dtraenactem aelnl tt hase istsu mnemaer r.r elaIt
tainvdes ,s agnrdo,w oirn agn fyre oeltyh eirn liag hmt isxotuilr. e oCf uttutirnfyg sl ooafm it, sptreiakte,
root readily, if planted in pots and placed on a shelf
in the greenhouse.