PARNASSIA palustris, squamis cilialis quirique, caule unifolio, ' '
PARNASSIA p d u s tn s ,^ r a d i c a l ib u s cordatis, nectariis multipartitis. Alton Hort, Ke,
PARNASSIA palustris. L im a S p . Pkp. 39*,. Si/st. m ild . Sp. PI. m l. \-..p. 1516
. ed. 2.
V f h- BoL “'-A- voL ä -? ; S14. Reih. Cant. p. ISO. Lightf.
t T i ' i ' \ v r b n F ' ° T r ' 'Po lQ5'r A b'ml f . s s . FI. Brit.
1 A - - : 1 r , 9 T /P f * - R o 'r g w W f f l t i l W B B S i 4M .' Mill. Illustr.
t. ja . J xm . -lUustr. t. 216. Lam. Dibt.vol.,5. p. 22. FI. L am , ed. Sm » 80
Ï ' A a ' P' r 5“' f 6S-„ Horl- e “f f - H M a t- H K D H H f SystXol. 1
r 7,4&' r i RM ' Lus(lb' V- M È È Ê m Parts-P- 96- Gmel. Sibir. ml. 4. M 91 fZZ,VAV;r7/ H a,nL ml: -■ "• H i H I »■ H—
T m ^ ‘ -™- E M Cent. 7. 1 70. D o e r r .N m s .p . 173
P S j 1 A , r L r >'■ ' 0R: Latn- FL F r - 2. ml. 4 : »S. De .Cmd. FI. Gall.
‘ , ■ ( ( ; ml- 1-P- 149.'. tRnlk.iGerm:‘ voh \ ■1.38.'. w/.'.a! p. S69.
M M W B M 1,S0', & # m ■D“ " “ *- f t - Garin, de Fruci. ml. \.p . VSS.
Ü M B i H M i B R W U 181. P a lk I t,.S ib .m l> z ,p r 3 l9 . - Gebrgii
r i . Balk. p. 205. Zoega let. Mehr Iel. p. \m ..M k h ttu x -F l. Bor:Am. 1. p. 184
r f l ' - . i i 1- i r HI Kew- ■"« i-/'- 3si._ ovens/c Bot. 172. M artyn Miller's Diet. m h i . Fi. la p p .p .73.
PARNASSIA vulgaris è t palustris. llm iS p ii.p . 355. TourMef.ïmt'. 246. ■'1 ■
PARNASSIA. Hall. Hclv. vol. 1. p. 371. éé’2.
18 B B B I B H w llorc l’lcno- Äwf. <&r. t««c. S 4 0 ./. 2. Parkinson Tiieat. 409. /i s.
GRAMEN Pamassi albo simplici (lore. Bank. Pin. 309. lo b . Ic. 603.
' , GRAMEN IW». Ger. emoe. 840V Beel. Hort. Eyet. tätig. 8. t. S. f . 3. -------minus. Ger.
091. 2. —— emac. 840. 1. R aii H ist. 1049.
H E PAT ICA alba. Cord. Hist. 53.
PYROLA rotiiodifoïia palustris, flore unico ampliorc. Moris. Hist. 3. f . 5.05. s. 13. t. 10. ƒ . 3.
Dan. H v id leoerurt. leoerbldmster. Hut. Parnaskrmd. Gras van Parnas. Fr Fleur du Par-
TaZasA rX A ZT f r v A r - ? “s f"'-Üa,L D k wdssc Ü B Leberkraut.
W Ê Ê W Ê Ê HanJ \ ? y ( r M tj-fu- It. Port. Span. Pamasia. Lapl. Fte gesteive.Zaibme.
orw. Uostsimma. Kyitsmmer. Mavasenge-baand. Pol. Iednolist. Trarva ParnasJca. Russ.
F len ö r ttmWa' PerelomaJ a frawa. Swed. Slotterblomster. Hiärteblad. Hvitvisil. Hdmacleer\
Class a n d Order. PEN TA N D R IA T ETRAGYNIA.
[N atural Order. CAPPARIDES, J uss. D e Cand. CA P PA RID EÆ Vent
Ge n . Char. Cal. quinque-partitus. Pet. quinque.
globosis. Caps.
Radix fibrosa.
Folia cordata vel cordato-rotundata, venosa, integerri-
ma, glabra ; radicalia numerosa, longe petiolata ;
caulîna solitaria, sessilia, basi amplexicaulia.
Caules sæpe solitarii, nunc numerosi, simplices, angu-
lati, erecti, glabri, médium versus folio unico m-
structi, apice unifloro.
Flos solitarius, terminalis.
Calyx quinque-partitus, viridis, segmentis ovatis, bi-
nervibuSjjftg-. 1 .
Corolla quinque-petala, .petalis calyce longioribus,
ovato-rotundatis, concavis, subunguiculatis, apice
emarginatis, albis, pulcherrime v en osis,^. 2, 3.
N ectaria quinque, squamiformia, petalis opposita mul-
toque minora, erecta, subcarnosa, apice radiato-
ciliata, ciliis quinque ad tredecim pellucidis al-
bis, globulo luteo pellucido terminatis, Jig. 4.
Stamina nectai-iis alternantia, segmentis calycinis opposita,
brévia. Filamenta subulata. Antheræ
late ovatoe, lutete, pistillo gradatim incumbentes.
Germen ovatum, magnum, quadri-sulcatum. Stigmata
quatuor, sessilia, obtusa, reflexa.
Pericarpium, capsula tetragono-ovata, unilocularis,
quadri-valvis. Receptacula quatuor valvulis af-
Semina numerosa, oblonga, fusca, margine membra-
Hect. quinque ad decern, cordata, ciliata, apicibus
Root fibrous.
Leaves cordate, sometimes approaching to round,
veined, entire, smooth ; the radical ones numerous,
on long foot-stalks; the cauline ones solitary,
sessile, amplexicaul at the base.
Stems often solitary, sometimes many together, simple,
angular, erect, smooth, furnished with a single
leaf near the middle, at the extremity one-flowered.
Flower solitary, terminal.
Calyx ot five divisions, green, having the segments
ovate and two-nerved, fig. 1.
Corolla o f five petals ; the petals longer than the calyx,
ovate-roundish, concave, somewhat ungui-
culate, at the apex emarginate, white, beautifully
veined, jig. 2, 3.
N ectaries five, squamiform, opposite to and much
. . smaller than the petals, erect, somewhat fleshy,
at the apex radiato-ciliate, with from five to thirteen
pellucid white cilite, terminated, at their extremities
by a yellow pellucid g l o b u l e , ' 4. .
Stamens alternating with thevnectaries, and opposite
to the calycine segments, short. Filaments subulate.
Anthers widely ovate*.yellow, by turns
bending over the pistillum.
Germen ovate, large, four-sulcate. Stigmas four, sessile,
.obtuse, reflexed.
Pericarp, a capsule ovate approaehing'to square, one-
celled, four-Valved. Receptacles four, fixed to
the valves.
Seeds numerous, oblong, brown, with a membranaceous
In elegance of structure there are few flowers that do not yield
present description. The wonderful structure of the nectaries w
to those of the plant that forms the subject of the
vith their delicate cilice and pellucid globules can