SITTM I f r'-'3 pl" “at,s’ follolls obloogo-lanceolatis æ'qualiter serratis. Sm.
col. 4 - 1 « . 1VM .FU L a p p . p.°7 1. * n ^ F L ^ ^ S16' A i‘- H °r t- * » • * * *
SIUM foliis pinnatis argute dentalia, umbellis erectia. Hall. HOo. I 777
SIUM laüfolmm foliis variis. Great Water-Parsnep. R aii Syn. p . 21]
W tÊSSÊÊÊk Germ Yasser- m m lÊ Ë Ë È m MÊ ■ m sm ü B H M formyullydanddail. bpan- Berrera' Swed- ^tupaetmak, Welsh. Dyfr-
Class a n d Oed e e . PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA.
[N axdeal Oed e e . UMBELLIFERrE, Jms., Decani]
Gen .C hae. Fructus subovatus, compressus, striatus. M o r a polyphylla. Petala cordata, aniformia.
Gen.C hae. Fru.t nearly ovate, compressed, striated. Involucre of many leaves, Petals cordate, uniform.
Radix repens, perennis.
"Gaules tripedales ad orgyalein, erecti, subramosi, cavi,
glabri, virides, profunde sulcati, angulati. ’
Folia magna, alterna, impari-pinnata ; foliolis subsep-
tems, oppositis, sessilibus, oblongo-ovatis, vellan-
ceolatis, obtusis, immersis nunc incisis, omnibus
æqualiter atque argute serratis, reticulatim veno- i
sis, glabris ; superiora breviora, foliolis pauciori-
bus, magis angustis, approximatis, magisque acu-
tis. ° 1
Petioli basi sulcati, membranaceo-vaginati.
U mbellÆ terminales, pareeque laterales in axillis fo-
liorum oppositorum, pedunculatæ, magnæ, plani-
Involucrum universale quinque- ad septem-phyllum,
foliolis reflexis, lineari-lanceolatis, inoequalibus,
margine submembranaceis, integris vel incisis •
partiale e foliolis his similibus, sed minoribus et
fere omnibus integris.
Calyx quinquedentatus, dentibus subinæqualibus.
Corolla e petalis quinque, albo-flavescentibus, cordi-
formibus, vix inoequalibus.
Fructus late ovatus, profunde striatus, longitudinaliter
-■ bipartibilis.
Semina duo, oblonga, reticulata, fusca.
Albumen carnosum, pallide fuscum.
Embryo immersus suprema parte albuminis.
Radicula supers.
Root creeping, perennial.
Stems from three to six feet high, erect, somewhat
branched hollow, smooth, green, deeply sulcate,
and angular. J ’
Leaves large, alternate, pinnate with a single leaflet at
the point; leaflets about seven pairs, opposite
sessile, oblongo-ovate, or lanceolate, obtuse, those
that are underwater sometimes incised, all equally
and sharply serrated, reticulated with veins
smooth; the superior ones shorter, with fewer
r»on,T Ieafletf> narrower, approximate, and more acute.
Petioles sulcate at the base, having a membranous
U mbels terminal, and sparingly lateral in the axils of the
opposite leaves, pedunculate, large, flattish.
Involucrum : the universal one with from five to seven
leaves, leaflets reflexed, linear-lanceolate, unequal,
with the margins somewhat membranaceous, entire
or incised; the partial one composed of leaf-
lets like these, but smaller and almost all entire.
Calyx five-toothed, with the teeth somewhat unequal
Corolla o f five yellowish white, cordiform, scarcel'y
unequal petals. J
Fruit broadly ovate, deeply striated, separating longitudinally.
Seeds two, oblong, reticulated, brown.
Albumen carnose, pale brown.
Embryo immersed in the superior part of the albumen.
Radicle superior.
The seeds of this, as well as of the Slum angmt,folium, are highly aromatic, and warm to the taste
ing “n tteT aZ - end“ f T u E”Sland> b“‘ eSpM,ally “ th8 extensive “ “ »ty 8™“" ^ of Norfolk; flower