SIUM angustifolium ; foins pinnatis, foliolis inæqualiter lobatis serratisque, umbellis pedunculatis on-
positifolns, caule erecto. Sm. v ^
SIUM angustifolium. Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 1672. H u d s .A n g l p .U 9 . Lig h tf . Scot. p. 160. With.
Bot. A r r . ed. 4. vol. 2. p . 294. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. vol. 1. P . I. p. 137. Willd St) P l mM m Wm m 31S- WÊÊmm 1139- BMI f i . .6 7
Decand. F - F r . ed. S. vol. 4. p. 299. Fl. Gall. St/n. p. 307. Pers. I jn . Pl. vol. 1. p. 316.
A it. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. vol. 9,.p. 144. F 01 °*
SIUM nodiflorum. Oed. Fl. Dan. t. 247.
S IUM erectum. Huds. Angl. ed. 1. p . 103.
SIUM folns^radicalibus ovatis, pinnulis dentatis, caulinis appendiculatis, umbellis alaribus. Hall. Helv.
SIUM sive Apium palustre foliis oblongis. Common upright Water-Parsnep, lia it S ÿ iu .p 211.
l m B Ê Ê B m n V e r Sumpfemich m a ttem . Port. Ralaca mmor. Spaa. Ben-era de h y a angosta. Welsh. Dtfr-foronmyint sccuhmliiaalieln.
Class a n d Order. P EN TA N D R IA DIGY N IA .
[N atural Order. UMBE L L IFERjE, J m s., Decani.]
Gen . Chau. Fructrn subovatus, compressus, striatus. Imolucra polyphylla. Petala cordata, uniformia.
GEN. Char. Fruit nearly ovate, compressed, striated. Imolucrum of many leaves. Petals cordate, unifon^
Radix repens, perennis.
Caules tri- ad quatuor-pedales, erecti, ramosi, cavi, gla-
bri, viridi-purpurascentes, teretes, leviter striati.
Folia alterna, impari-pinnata ; inferior a maxima, elongate
; foliolis numerosis, distantibus, ovato-lanceo-
latis, acuminatis, inæqualiter serratis, basi obliq
u é sublobatis ; superiora breviora, foliolis ma-
gis approximatis, acuminatis, magisque irregula-
riter dentatis, atque varie incisis, superioribus
præcipue. Petioli teretes, vix striati, basi vaei-
U mbelle numeroste, laterales, in axillis foliorum, pe-
dunculat®, hemisplifericee.
Involucrum universale subpentaphyllum, reflexum,
foliolis inasqualibus, varie inciso-pinnatis, seg-
mentis a cutis; partiale e foliolis plerumque inte-
Calyx parvus, quinquedentatus.
Corolla pentapetala, petalis cordatis, mqualibus, albis.
Fructus late ovatus, fere rotundatus, striatus, lon<ntu-
dinaliter bipartibilis.
Fig. 1. Flower. Fig. 2. Fruit—magn.
Root creeping, perennial.
Stems from three to four feet in height, erect, branched,
hollow, destitute of hairs, greenish-purple, round!
slightly striated.
Leaves alternate, pinnate with a single leaflet at the
point; the lowest ones the largest, elongated; the
leaflets numerous, distantly placed, ovato-lanceo-
late, acuminated, unequally serrated, at the base
Oblique and somewhat lobed; the superior ones
the shortest, their leaflets most approximated
acuminated, and more irregularly dentate and variously
incised, particularly the uppermost. Per
tioles round, slightly striated, sheathing at the
U mbels numerous, lateral, from the axils o f the leaves
upon footstalks, hemispherical.
General Involucrum about five-leaved, reflexed the
leaflets unequal, variously insiso-pinnate, segments
acute; partial involucrum composed of
leaflets which are generally entire.
Calyx small, of five teeth.
Corolla of five petals, the petals heart-shaped, equal
white. . ’
Fruit broadly ovate, nearly round, striated, parting
sm Ih id SS m l T 4 ° ”Tf0End| d - ^ -H""®“5 an? **“ ° lder writere with th e 5 i“ S H U and was first distin-
ls even more common than the toi/hfernfflowcringat t h e S s e a S m 50” ' ^ Sr° " S “ sltuatio,ls- and
h e a d s ; ^ 1 &
deeply serrated, and by the rounder (not angular) and only slightly striated stems. "
Withering observes, that this species certainly possesses active properties, which ought to be inquired into.