TUSSILAGO Pelantes ( ja m ) ; thyrso ovato-oblougo elongate, fôliis cordatis inæqualiter dentatis, lobis
approxmatis, subtus pubescentibus.
TUSSILAGO Petasites foem. thyrso elongato, flosculis fere omnino foemineis.
TUSSILAGO Petasites î foem. W illi. Sp. PI. vol. S. p .1971. D e ca n i.F l F ,-c i. S .m l i . p . 159.
y,y. Gall. Syn. p. 282. P a s . Syn. PI. ml. 2. p . 455. A it. Hort. K m . c i. 2. ml. 5.
». 36. Hook. Fl. Scot. P. I. p. 242.
TUSSILAGO hybrida. Linn. Sp. PI.H S H S a i s . A ag i.p . B | W S M BÈM SK Ê IÈ Ê Ê K
Bot. J r r . ci. 4. ml. 3. p. 70S. Hoffm. Germ. ei. 2. ml. 1. P . I I. p . 141. S m m Jti.
B r it. ». 879- Engl. Bot. t. 430.
PETASITES floribus spicatis pendulis, petiolis multifloris, calycibus æqualibus, flosculis paucissimis
androgynis. ■ Hall. Uelv. n. 140.
PETASITES major, floribus pediculis longis insidentibus. Dill, in R a n Syn. p. 179-
[N atural Order. C OM PO S IT E , Div. I I I . CORYMBIFERIE, Juss., H o o k ty ^ ^
GEN. Char. Im o lm rum simplex, asquale, submembranaceum, ventricosum. Receptaculum nudum. Pappus
Ge n . Char. Involucre simple, equal, submembranaceous, swelling. Receptacle naked. simple.
Radix, Folia, Scapus, T hyrsus, Bracte2e et In-
volucrum omnino ut in T. Petasite masc, sed
' thyrso magis elongato.
Flosculi fere omnino foeminei, pauci masculini: Fos-
minei graciles, tubulosi, purpureo rosei, superne
vix incrassati, limbo quinquefido, erecto-patente.
Flosculi masculini perpauci, foemineis paulo brevi-
ores atquelatiores, sursum incrassati, limbo quin- |
quefido, patente.
Stamina supra medium coroll® inserta. ■
Filamenta alba, brevia: Anther® oblong®, apice ap-
pendiculat®, purpure®.
Pollen albidum.
Germen ovatum, l®ve, abortivum.
Stylus filiformis, albus, corolla paulo longior: Stigma
insigniterintressatum,minute tuberculatum,apice
acutum, bifidum.
ANTHERiE null®.
Germen ovatum, striatum.
Stylus corolla paulo longior, filiformis, albus.
Stigma vix incrassatum, bifidum.
P ericarpium (Achenium) ovatum, striatum, fuscum,
pappo sessili, albo, simplice, scabro terminatum.
Root, Leaves, Flower-stalk, T hyrsus, Bracte
as and Involucre precisely similar to Those
of the male state of T. Petasites, except in the
thyrsus being more elongated.
Flowers nearly all female, very few male: Female florets
slender, tubular, of a purplish rose-colour,
slightly incrassated above, the limb quinquefid,
Male florets very few, rather shorter and broader
than the female ones, thickened upwards, limb
quinquefid, patent.
Stamens inserted above the middle of the corolla.
Filaments white,' short: Anthers oblong, furnished
with an appendage at the extremity, purplish.
Pollen white.
Germen ovate, smooth, abortive.
Style filiform, white, a little longer than the corolla:
Stigma remarkably incrassated, minutely tuber-
culated, acute and bifid at the extremity.
An th ers none.
Germen ovate, striated. ...
Style somewhat longer than the corolla, filiform, white.
Stigma slightly incrassated, bifid. _
Pericarp (Achenium) ovate, striated, brown, terminated
by a white, sessile, simple, scabrous pappus.
. Fig. 1. Pistilliferous flower. Fig. 2. The same cut open to sum“ ih e ^ d b o p em
theriferous flower! Pig. 4. The same cut open. Fig. 5. Single:anthe,J i g . 6. ih e same wim m F
Fi<r. 7. Pollen. Fig. 8. Filament of the pappus:— all more or less magnified.
I t is surprising that so many botanists should have published this plant without suggesting
« M M is, the fertile s « e of TussUago Petasites.
and the observations published by Curtis on the sterile state <jf ’ V .. °
equally applicable to Ibis'. Ray says of it “ extnnsecus ad bubones et ulcere maligna.