OROBUS sylvaticus; caule ramoso, decumbentc, quadrangulato, hirsute, foliis pinnatis, multijugis,
ovato-lanceolatis; stipulis semisagittatis.
OROBUS sylvaticus: foliis pinnatis hirsutis multijugis ovato-lanceolatis stipulis semisagittatis, caule
ramosoTecumbente hirsute. Willdenw §p. P L 3. p 1076. Alton Hort. K m ed. 2. m l 4.
OROBUS Sylvaticus; caulibus decumbentibus biautis rappsis, foliolis numerosis. Smith FI. B r it.
ml. 2. p. 762. 1 , . ] , TT ,
OROBUS sylvaticus. Linn. — SSO. W j J M M tM M S M S lK S M S S S Ê Ê fÊ l i
Ansi. 1). 314. L ig h tf. Scot. p. 390. t. 16. Hull B r . F l.p . \60. With. Hot. * r r .e a .* .
»inf filfi ed 5 m l 3 p. 775. Engl. Bot. A518. Dicks. Hort. Sicc.fasc. 1. n. 12.
t l p i ^ ^ B i L l p 55. Lamarck Diet. ml. 4 .p. 627. M i l
H 586. FL G ill. p. 359. Deslong. FL Gall p. 454. Roth Germ. ml. 1.
p so 6. ml. 2. p. 172. A it on Hort. K m . ed. 1. ml. 3 .p . 39-
OROBUS sylvaticus nostras. R aiiS p n .p .SH A .-------S U t . p .W S . Act. Paris, an. m 6 . p . 87. A 90.
Tourn. In s t.p . 393!
V IC IA cassubica. FL Dan. t. 98. (non L in n .) sec. Sm.
Class a n d Ord e r . D IA D E L PH IA DECANDRIA.
■ [Natokai Ordek. L EGUMINOS.E, Jms. Adans. Dc Cand. PA P IL IO N A C E « , L , m f ‘ ,
Ge n . Ciia r . Stplm planos, supra viRosus, supeme latior. Cal. ladnite superiores dute breviores. m ild .
Radix perennis, lignosa. . , ,
Caules plures, decumbentes, pedales vel sesquipedaies,
quàdrangulati, atquc striati, flèxuosi, virides pur-
pureo mixti, basi præcipue hirsuti, simplices vel
innovationibus axillaribus ramosi, foliosi.
Folia numerosa, alterna, pinnata, arista brevi loco fo-
lioli terminata ; petioli supra canaliculati, magis
minusve hirsuti ; foliola utrinque octo ad decern,
plerumque alterna; vix pedicellata,ovato-oblonga,
versus apicem paululum attenuate, mucrone brevi
terminata, nudooculo vixsubtus pilosa, supra læ-
Stipuiæ binoe, semisagittatæ, acuminatæ, margine ex-
teriore prope basin denticulo unico instructo, le-
viter pilosæ. ' • _
Racemi al terni, axillares, subdecemflori, longius pedun-
culati; pedunculi striati, pilosi ; pedicelli longi-
tudine calycis, teretes, rubicundi, pilosi ; Bracteis
minutissimis fuscis suffulti.
Flores albo-purpurascentes, conferti, secundi, sùbcer-
Calyx brevis, tubulosus, pilosus, obsolete nervosus, pal-
lide virens aut rubedine tinctus, ore obliquo, qum-
quedentato, dente infimo ceteris longiore. jig . 1.
Corolla papilionacea. Vexillum apice lateribusque re-
flexum, venis purpureis striatum. Alee conniven-
tes, parcius striatæ. Carina alba, apice purpuras-
cens.Jig. 2.
Stamina : Inlamenta decern, unum liberum, novem coa-
lita. Antheroe lutescentes. Jig- 3.
Pistillüm : Germen oblongum, compressum, pedicel-
latum. Stylus reflexiis. Stigma lineare, ad len-
tem pubescens. Jig. 4.
Siliqüæ breves, compressas, glabræ, fuscoe. J*&-
Semina duo vel tria, parva, fusco-viridia. jig- 6.
Root perennial, woody.
Stems many, decumbent, a foot or a foot and a half
lono-, quadrangular and striated, flexuose, green
' mixed with purple, at the base principally hairy,
simple or'branched with axillary innovations.
Leaves numerous, alternate, pinnate, with short terminal
awns in the place of a leaf; petioles canaliculate
above, more or less hirsute; leaflets on
each side eight or ten, generally alternate, scarcely
pedicellate, oblong, approaching to ovate, towards
the apex a little attenuate, terminated by a short
mucro, to the naked eye slightly hairy beneath,
smooth above.
Stipules two together, semisagittate, acuminate, at the
exterior margin, near the base, furnished with a
single tooth, slightly hairy.
Racemes alternate, axillary, bearing about ten flowers
on long peduncles; peduncles striated, hairy;
pedicels of the length of the calyx, round, reddish,
hairy, having at their base very minute brown
Flowers purplish-white, growing from every side, but
leaning one way, somewhat nodding.
Calyx short, tubulous, hairy, faintly nerved, pale green
or tinged with purple, having an oblique five-
toothed mouth, and the lower tooth longer than
the rest. Jig- 1 • . .
Corolla papilionaceous. The standard with its apex
and sides reflexed, striated with purple veins.
Wings connivent, less strongly striated. Keel
white, tipped with purple. Jig. 2.
Stamens : Filaments ten, one simple, the other nine
united. Anthers yellowish. Jig. 3.
Pistil : Gennen oblong, compressed, pedicellate. Style
reflexed. Stigma linear, under a microscope pubescent.
Jig. 4. 'C r
Seedpods short, compressed, smooth, brown, fig . 5.
i Seeds two or three, small, greenish-brown, fig . 6. . our ■S »rr s2 ticed u as a nat.ve of B .slanA I k found .t at ^ v„;,10lls M l parts of England and
‘w & K
shoots on all sides. ffio vic;„it of water . but when cultivated it js not impatient of moisture,
owing to its^roots striking to
luxuriant!,, as almost to exdude every other plant.
fimarkable variety of this pirn ear in ? simple leave