CA L L ITR ICH E aquatica.
CA L L IT R ICH E aquatica. Huds. Angl. p. 439. Smith Fl. B r it. p . 8. Engl. Bot. £.722. Aiton
Hort. Kern. ed. 2. vol. 1 ,p . 13. Hook. Fl. Scot. F . I. p . 259-
CA L L IT R ICH E verna. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 6. Fl. Lapp. p. 2. L ig h t/. Scot. p . 70. (Ed. FL Dan.
t. 129. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. ml. 1. P . l . p . 2. With. Bot. A r r . ed. 4. ml. 2. p. 5.
Wïlld. Sp. PI. m l. l .p . 28. Pers. Syn. PI. ml. l . p . 5. Wahl. Lapp. p . 2.
C A L L IT R ICH E intermedia. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. m l. 1. P. I . p . 2. Willd. Sp. P I. ml. 1. p. 29.
Pers. Syn. PI. ml. 1. p. 6.
CA L L IT R ICH E autumnalis. Hoffm. Germ.ed. 2. ml. 1. P. I. p. 2. Lig h t/. Scot. p . 70. With.
Bot. A rr. ed. 4. ml. 2. p . 6. Willd. Sp. P I. vol. l . p . 29. Pers. Syn. PI.vol. l.p . 6.
Wahl. Lapp. p. 2.
C A L L IT R ICH E restivalis. Pers. Syn. P I. vol. l.p . 5.
C A L L IT R ICH E tenuifolia. Pers. S y n .P l. vol. l . p . 6.
CA L L IT R ICH E sessilis. Decand. Fl. Fr. ed. 3. vol. 4. p. 414. Fl. Gall. Syn. p. 326.
STELLARIA foliis imis linearibus, superioribus subrotundis. Hall. H elv. n. 554.
STELLARIA foliis petiolatis subrotundis. Hall. H elv. n. 553.
STELLARIA foliis omnibus linearibus. Hall. Helv. n. 555.
STELLARIA. Water-wort or Starheaded Water Chickweed. R aii Syn. p. 289-
ST E L LA R IA minor et repens. R aii S yn .p . 289-
STELLARIA aquatica foliis longis tenuissimis. R aii S yn .p . 290.
Dan. Vandstierne. Dut. Voorjaars Sterrekruid. Fr. L e Callitrieprintannier. Germ. D e r Frühlings
Wasser stern. Hung. Motsari-Centse/u, It. Port. et Span. Callitriche de pnmavera.
Russ. Kaldunowa trawa. Swed. Vattustjern. Welsh. B n gw lyd d gwanwynawl.
Class a n d Or d e r . M O N A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
[N atural Or d e r . HALORAGEÆ, Brown, Hook. HYG RO B IM, Richard. CARCODEÆ, Juss.
ON AGRARIÆ, Decand.]
Ge n . Ch a r . F lores stériles. Perianthium simplex, diphyllum. Anthera unilocularis. F lores fe rt il e s.
Germen quadrilobum. Styli duo. Pericarpium quadrilobum, lobis compressis, indehiscens, quadriloculare, lo-
culis monospermis.
Ge n . Ch a r . St e r il e flowers. Perianth simple, two-leaved. Anther of one cell. Fe r t il e flowers. Germen
four-lobed. Styles two. Pericarp four-lobed ; lobes compressed, indéhiscent, four-celled ; cells one-seeded.
R ad ix perennis (?), repens, geniculata, fusca, filiformis,
ad geniculos fibrillosa.
Caules pedales, bipedales et ultra, secundum profundi-
tatem aquas in qua immerguntur, teretes, glabri,
teneri, infirmi,. ramosi, geniculati, radicantes.
F olia opposita, sessilia, glabra; ima, in submersa planta,
pollicaria aut bipollicaria, linearia, remota, sicut
ascendunt sensim latiora; suprema natantia, in ro-
sulas seu stellulas congesta, nunc ovalia, nunc
subrotunda, obsolete nervosa, minutim punctata,
punctis impressis, emarginatis.
F lores inconspicui, axil lares, sessiles, infra folia suprema
reconditi, monoici, non raro oppositi.
F los masculus.
P er ia n th ium diphyllum, foliolis duobus, minimis, al-
bis, incurvis, acuminatis, carinatis, oppositis.
Stamen unicum: Filamentumlongum,exsertum: Anthera
flava, unilocularis, bilabiata, subreniformis.
F los FCBMiNEUs.
P e r ia n t h ium u t in mare.
P ist il luM : Germen subrotupdo-ovatum, quadriloba-
tum : Styli duo, longi, capillares, recurvi: Stigmata
P er ica r pium : Capsula quadriloba, subcompressa,
Sem en unicum in singulo loculamento, ovale, minutum,
Albumen carnosum, album.
E mbryo intra albumen, erectus, leviter curvatus, inversus
: Cotyledones parvse: Radicula supera.
Fig. 1. Magnified portion of the stem with two upper le
Fig. 3. Pollen. Fig. 4. Perianth. Fig. 5. Pistil, i
Fig. 8. The same cut through transversely. Fig. 9. See
the albumen. Fig. 11. The same cut through to show 1
Root perennial (?), creeping, jointed, o f a brown colour,
filiform, fibrous a t the joints.
Stalks from one to two feet in length or more, according
to the depth of the water in which they are
immersed, rounded, smooth, tender, weak, branched,
jointed, throwing out fibres. .
Leaves opposite, sessile,smooth; the bottom ones,underwater,
an inch or two in length, linear, wjde apart,
as they grow up gradually becoming broader; the
top ones growing more closely together form little
stars on the surface of the water, and become o f
an oval or roundish shape, faintly ribbed, and
finely dotted with impressed dots, emarginate.
F lowers inconspicuous, growing from the axils of the
leaves, sessile, hid beneath the uppermost leaves,
male and female on the same plant, often oppo-
Ma l e flower.
P e r ia n t h o f two leaves, leaflets two, very minute,
white, bending inward, pointed, deeply keeled,
and opposite.
Stamen o n e: Filament long, exserted: Anther yellow,
one-celled, two-lipped, somewhat kidney-shaped.
F emale flower.
P e r ia n t h as in the male flower.
P i s t il : Germen roundish, ovate, four-lobed: Styles
two, long, capillary, and bending backwards:
Stigmas pointed.
P e r ica r p : a four-lobed Capsule, flattened, having four
Se e d : a single one in each cavity, oval, minute, subpel-
Albumen fleshy, white.
E mbryo within the albumen, erect, slightly curved, inverted
: Cotyledons small: Radicle superior,
ves and two monoecious flowers. Fig. 2. Anther bursting.
ig. 6. Germen with two abortive lobes. Fig. 7*. Capsule,
d. Fig. 10. Seed deprived of the integument aud showing
be embryo. Fig. 12. The embryo.—all magnified.
An extremely common plant in ditches and stagnant waters, and also in running streams, flowering from early
in the spring till late in the autumn.
Like most other aquatics, the Star-wort is subject to vary considerably in size, and in the shape of its leaves;
hence several varieties of ithave been enumerated, some of which have even been raised into species, but which are
found to be by no means constant to their characters.
Authors describe some of the flowers of the Callitriche as perfect, having both stamens and pistil: if this be
correct, the plant would be, properly, polygamous. In all however that have fallen under my own observation,
the flowers have been certainly monoecious.