O RCHIS ust ulat a ; labello punctato, tripartite: laciniis angustis, media apice bifida, petalis conni-
ventibus, cornu obtuso brevi, bracteis germen subsequantibus.
O RCHIS ustulata. L im . Sp. PI. p. 13SS. H u * .F l .A n g l .p . 3M . m h . B o t . A r r . ^ ^ m L J .
p. 24. H ull B r . Bot. p. 194. Relh. Cant. p. 333. Sibth. Ox. p. 10. Smith Tl. B rit,
p. 021. Engl. Bot. t. 18. Oeder FI. Dan. 1 .103. Hoffm. Germ.p. 313. Roth Germ
m l. 2. p. 381. Lam. Diet. ml. 4. p. 591. Decand. Fl. Fr. ed. 3. ml. 3. p. 247. FI. Gall,
p. 169. Willd. Sp. PI. ml. 4. p. 20. Deslongch. FI. Gall. p. 604. ^ Pers. Syn. ml. 2.
p. 504. Alton Hart. Kero. ed. 2. ml. 5. p . 189* Swartz Gen. et Sp. Orchid, p. 13.
OR CH IS radicibus subrotundis, labello quadrifido, calcare brevissimo. Hall. Helo. n. 1273. t. 28.
ORCHIS militaris pratensis humilior. Vaill. Par. t. 31 . f 35, 36.
ORCHIS pannonica quart». R ail Syn. p. 377.
CYNOSORCHIS minor pannonica. Ger. Emac. p. 207.
Class a n d Order. G Y N A N D R IA MONANDRIA.
[N atural Order. O RCH ID E iE , Just. Decandolle. Brown.]
Gen . Char. Cor. ringens. Labellum basi subtus calcaratum. Glaniulx (una vel da®) pcdicellornm pollinis
inclus® cucullo unico. Brown Prodrom. p . 312.
R adix : fibræ paucæ, carnosæ, bulbique duo ovati, pal-
lide fusci.
CAULIS palmaris e t ultra, teres, striâtes, foliosus.
Folia alterna, lanceolata, acuta, striata, parum carinata
et undulata, viridia, subtus pallidiora : inferiora
majora, patentia, vaginantia; superiora sensim
minora, cauli adpressa.
Bracteje germen suboequantes, lanceolatæ, coloratoe,
F lores numerosi, albi, purpureo mixti, in spicam obtu-
san-i densam subuncialem congests, sessiles.
P er ia n th ium superum, sex-divisum : foliola tria ex-
teriora ovato-acuminata, per totam fere longitu-
dinem confluentia et galeam formantia, fig . 1.
fusco-purpurea, apicibus acutis, saturatioribus,
liberis ; interiors; duo lateralia, fig . 5. superi-
oribus omnino tecta, linearia, obtusa, incurva,
pallide purpurea, immaculata : foliolum inferius
vel labellum, fig . 2. reliquis multo majus, album,
pendens, medio punctis paululum elevatis saturate
purpureis pictum, tripartitum, laciniis la-
teralibus anguste ovatis, subdenticulatis, interme-
dio longiore, apieeque dilatata, bifida, segmentis
obtusis : Cornu incurvum, obtusum, germine du-
plo brevius.
Antiiera, fig . 3. terminalis, ovata, bilocularis, loculis
distinctis, per totam longitudinem dehiscentibus,
basi unisaccata ad pollinis pcdunculos recipienda.
Pollen trianguläre, in massam oblongo-ovatam, pe-
dunculatam, congestum,^. 4. basi in glandulam ;
orbicularem expansum.
Ge rmen oblongum, angulatum.
Root : consisting of small fleshy fibres and two ovate
pale brown bulbs.
Stem a span high and more, round, striate, leafy.
Leaves alternate, lanceolate, acute, striate, a little carinate
and undulated, green, paler beneath: the
lower ones larger, patent, sheathing; the superior
ones gradually smaller, appressed to the stem.
Bractee equal in length with the germen, lanceolate,
coloured, purple.
Flowers numerous, white, mixed with purple, collected
into an obtuse thick spike, about an inch long,
Perianth above, six-cleft: the three extenor leaflets
ovato-acuminate, confluent for nearly, their whole
length and forming a helmet, fig. 1. brownish
purple; with their apices acute, deeper coloured
and unconnected; the two interior lateral ones,
fig . 5. altogether covered by the superior ones, linear,
obtuse, incurved, pale purple, without spots:
the lower leaflet or labellum, fig . 2. much larger
than the rest, white, pendent, in the middle stained
with slightly elevated spots of a deep purple
colour, tripartite, with the lateral lacini® narrow
ovate, somewhat toothed, the intermediate one
longer, dilated at the apex, bifid, with the segments
obtuse: the spur incurved, obtuse, shorter
than the germen. •
Anther, fig . 3. terminal, ovate, two-celled, the cells
distinct, opening their whole length, at the base
having one sack for the reception of the footstalks
of the Pollen.
Pollen triangular, collected into an oblongo-ovate,
pedunculate mass, fig . 4. at the base expanded
into an orbicular gland.
Germen oblong, angulate.
m i . Flower of Orchis ustulata. B g . 1. Labellum. F,g. 3. Anther. B g . 4. Pollen masses. Fig. 5. Lateral
' interior segments of the Perianth; all magnified.
Orchis ustulata occurs not un^re^u®„^y ^ n^ ^ ^ g ^ * tga^ ^ d ebyn] ^ 'G n iv e s tat0I)m ^ rd ^B r^ it;
and form a helmet-like covering to thetvrolateral| Petel8' narrower intermediate, segment
„ S t S segments in proportion to the res. of the flower, and in
the^ verv much less deeply divided intermediate segments of the la b e llum f r om both, in the spots of die labellum
in the labellum to distinguish it lrom O.fusca and militaris.